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The Uses of Stages of Change and Language Within a Forestry Context
Journal of Forestry ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab045
Irene G Sarmiento 1 , Lyn M Van Swol 2 , Bret R Shaw 3 , Jennifer H Chung 4 , Alanna Koshollek 5

Advising landowners can be difficult for foresters. Landowners’ motivations towards behavior change should be considered prior to giving advice. The Stages of Change Model, also known as the Transtheoretical Model, assesses whether individuals are ready to perform new behaviors. This model was used to understand how landowner’s motivations towards behavior change affect future reforestation efforts, which could help foresters better advise landowners. Landowners from Wisconsin were recruited, reported current behaviors, and separated into either predecisional or postdecisional stages, based on self-reported stage of behavior. They received advice, reported future reforestation intentions, and provided comments. Using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression and language analyses, predecisional stage perceived more barriers towards reforestation efforts and used more negative emotion words, whereas postdecisional stage reported more past habits of reforestation efforts and used more positive emotion words. Foresters should provide advice that reduces barriers for the predecisional stage and build on positive aspects of reforestation for the postdecisional stage.



对林务员来说,向土地所有者提供建议可能很困难。在提供建议之前,应考虑土地所有者改变行为的动机。变化阶段模型,也称为跨理论模型,评估个人是否准备好执行新行为。该模型用于了解土地所有者改变行为的动机如何影响未来的重新造林工作,这可以帮助林务员更好地为土地所有者提供建议。威斯康星州的土地所有者被招募,报告当前行为,并根据自我报告的行为阶段分为决策前或决策后阶段。他们收到了建议,报告了未来重新造林的意图,并提供了意见。使用普通最小二乘 (OLS) 回归和语言分析,决策前阶段感知到重新造林努力的障碍更多,使用更多负面情绪词,而决策后阶段报告更多过去重新造林努力的习惯,使用更多积极情绪词。林务员应提供建议,以减少决策前阶段的障碍,并在决策后阶段建立重新造林的积极方面。