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Exploring advocacy coalitions for energy efficiency: Policy change through internal shock and learning in the European Union
Energy Research & Social Science ( IF 8.514 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102248
Fredrik von Malmborg 1

This empirical study analyses policy change in the area of European Union energy efficiency policy by applying the advocacy coalition framework (ACF). The energy efficiency directive (EED) and its provisions on individual metering and billing (IMB) is used as a case study. IMB provisions have rendered substantial debate for almost a decade and the provisions were amended following successful advocacy work of the coalition opposing IMB. The study confirms recent developments of the ACF theory that internal shocks are important for policy change. Policy change followed other pathways too, particularly policy-oriented learning. As for policy-oriented learning, it was manifested in different ways, e.g. the acceptance of the core beliefs and proposals for amending the IMB provisions put forward by the coalition opposing IMB by a majority of Member States in the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the proponents of IMB. Besides contributing to development of scientific theory, the knowledge provided in the paper can inform various stakeholders to better shape their future strategies in advocacy work in European Union policy making and national policy implementation.



这项实证研究通过应用倡导联盟框架 (ACF) 分析了欧盟能效政策领域的政策变化。能源效率指令 (EED) 及其关于个人计量和计费 (IMB) 的规定被用作案例研究。近十年来,IMB 条款引起了实质性的争论,并且在反对 IMB 的联盟的成功倡导工作之后,对这些条款进行了修订。该研究证实了 ACF 理论的最新发展,即内部冲击对政策变化很重要。政策变化也遵循其他途径,特别是面向政策的学习。至于政策导向的学习,它表现在不同的方面,例如 欧盟理事会的大多数成员国、欧洲议会和 IMB 的支持者接受了反对 IMB 的联盟提出的修改 IMB 条款的核心信念和建议。除了有助于科学理论的发展,本文提供的知识还可以告知各利益相关者,以更好地制定他们未来在欧盟政策制定和国家政策实施的宣传工作中的战略。
