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Transnationalization of the Mexican corporate elite: looking beyond cross-border corporate networks
Review of International Political Economy ( IF 4.146 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1080/09692290.2021.1961841
Alejandra Salas-Porras 1 , Martí Medina-Hernández 2


This article examines changes in the Mexican corporate network in the past four decades and the extent to which these respond to the processes of transnationalization undergone by Mexican corporate elites, in particular to a dynamic, multifarious and multi-layered interaction with global elites. It is argued that this interaction follows different intersecting paths, making the Web and direction of relationships increasingly compounded and imbricating in different ways national and transnational corporate interests. Among these intersecting paths, we explore the following: (a) the accumulation of assets in several countries, a process that intensified since the 1990s particularly through mergers and acquisitions; (b) cross-border interlocks between corporate elites effected by Mexican directors participating in the boards of foreign-controlled TNCs or foreign directors participating in the boards of Mexican controlled corporations; and (c) connections with global asset managers and other institutional investors with securities in Mexican listed companies. It is argued that these paths offer the Mexican corporate elite new opportunities for accumulation and a way to profit from globalizing markets and the neoliberal reforms of the past decades.




本文审视墨西哥企业网络在过去四十年的变化,以及这些变化对墨西哥企业精英所经历的跨国化过程的反应程度,尤其是对与全球精英的动态、多元和多层次互动的反应。有人认为,这种互动遵循不同的交叉路径,使网络和关系的方向越来越复杂,并以不同的方式覆盖国家和跨国公司的利益。在这些交叉路径中,我们探讨了以下内容:(a) 几个国家的资产积累,这一过程自 1990 年代以来尤其通​​过并购得到加强;(b) 受参与外国控制的跨国公司董事会的墨西哥董事或参与墨西哥控制的公司董事会的外国董事影响的企业精英之间的跨境联动;(c) 与全球资产管理公司和其他持有墨西哥上市公司证券的机构投资者建立联系。有人认为,这些道路为墨西哥企业精英提供了新的积累机会,以及从全球化市场和过去几十年的新自由主义改革中获利的途径。
