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ISIS and the Allure of Traditional Gender Roles
Women & Criminal Justice ( IF 1.477 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-13 , DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2021.1962478
Anne Speckhard 1 , Molly Ellenberg 1


As issues of repatriations of ISIS members and their families are hotly debated, exploring the factors that led over 40,000 men and women to leave their home countries to join ISIS is integral to rehabilitating and reintegrating these individuals. Understanding their experiences in ISIS is critical to deradicalization. This article uses primary data to explore vulnerabilities, motivations, influences, experiences, and sources of disillusionment among ISIS members through a gender-based perspective. Men and women’s ISIS trajectories were impacted and informed by gender, particularly by a desire to solidify masculine and feminine identities in ISIS’s Caliphate, where traditional gender roles were both glorified and brutally enforced.


ISIS 和传统性别角色的魅力


由于对 ISIS 成员及其家人的遣返问题进行了激烈辩论,探索导致 40,000 多名男女离开自己的祖国加入 ISIS 的因素对于使这些人康复和重新融入社会是不可或缺的。了解他们在 ISIS 中的经历对于去激进化至关重要。本文使用原始数据,从基于性别的角度探索 ISIS 成员的弱点、动机、影响、经历和幻灭的根源。男性和女性的 ISIS 轨迹受到性别的影响和影响,特别是在 ISIS 的哈里发中,人们渴望巩固男性和女性的身份,传统的性别角色既被美化又被残酷地强制执行。
