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The role of artificial intelligence in the mass adoption of electric vehicles
Joule ( IF 39.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2021.07.012
Moin Ahmed 1 , Yun Zheng 1 , Anna Amine 1, 2 , Hamed Fathiannasab 1 , Zhongwei Chen 1

The electrification of mass transportation is hailed as a solution for reducing global greenhouse-gas emissions and dependence on unsustainable energy sources. The annual sales of electric vehicles (EVs) has continued to rise since 2011, with a global sale of EVs of 2.1 million in 2019. This increase in sales is mainly due to continued improvement in the cost and performance of commercial EVs, increased EV options available to consumers, and environmental awareness. However, despite the positive outlook, EVs still face major

challenges that hinder their rapid and widespread adoption: limited driving range, long charging times, and a lack of sufficient charging infrastructure. This review outlines the recent advances in EVs and related infrastructure, mainly from artificial intelligence (AI), which makes EVs a more attractive consumer option. The application of AI in improving EVs, facilitating EV charging stations, and EV integration with the smart grid is critically analyzed and reviewed. Finally, future trends and prospects in the area are discussed.



大众运输的电气化被誉为减少全球温室气体排放和对不可持续能源依赖的解决方案。电动汽车(EV)的年销量自2011年以来持续增长,2019年全球电动汽车销量为210万辆。 销量的增长主要是由于商用电动汽车的成本和性能不断提高,电动汽车的选择增加可供消费者使用,并提高环保意识。然而,尽管前景乐观,电动汽车仍面临重大挑战

阻碍其快速和广泛采用的挑战:行驶里程有限、充电时间长以及缺乏足够的充电基础设施。本综述概述了电动汽车和相关基础设施的最新进展,主要来自人工智能 (AI),这使电动汽车成为更具吸引力的消费者选择。人工智能在改进电动汽车、促进电动汽车充电站以及电动汽车与智能电网的集成方面的应用进行了批判性分析和审查。最后,讨论了该领域的未来趋势和前景。
