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Computational tongue color simulation in tongue diagnosis
Color Research and Application ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.1002/col.22717
Hung-Shing Chen, Shih-Ming Chen, Chen-Yu Jiang, Yi-Chen Zhang, Chia-Yu Lin, Chia-En Lin, Jen-Ai Lee

Tongue color is one of the important indices for tongue diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine. This study aims to analyze tongue colors of computational tongue diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine using scientific quantification and computational simulation. The tongue color data are established according to the experiment in which the doctors who use Chinese traditional medicine assessed standard Munsell color charts under the standard lighting environment. Tongue color is classified into six color names, which are pale red, light red, red, crimson, dark red, and purple. The doctors assessed Munsell color charts to find the corresponding color charts' distributions of each color name in tongue color. The hue-lightness-chroma data of the chosen Munsell color charts were transformed to CIE xyY using the look-up table computation, then further were converted to CIELAB values and sRGB data. Based on the 95% confidence ellipses formed on CIELAB (a*, b*) plane and CIELAB (C*, L*) plane, the comparisons between tongue colors and general colors were analyzed. The computational tongue image simulation combining the elements of color, texture, and moisture was successfully established. This computational simulation method could potentially become a useful tool for teaching and learning diagnoses in the education of Chinese medicine.



舌色是中医舌诊的重要指标之一。本研究旨在通过科学量化和计算模拟分析中医计算舌诊的舌色。舌色数据是根据中医医师在标准光照环境下评估标准孟塞尔色卡的实验建立的。舌色分为淡红色、浅红色、红色、深红色、深红色、紫色六种色名。医生评估了孟塞尔色卡,以找出每种颜色名称在舌头颜色中的相应色卡分布。使用查找表计算将所选 Munsell 颜色图表的色调-亮度-色度数据转换为 CIE xyY,然后进一步转换为 CIELAB 值和 sRGB 数据。基于在 CIELAB 上形成的 95% 置信椭圆 (a * , b * )平面和CIELAB ( C * , L * )平面,分析舌色与一般颜色的比较。成功建立了结合颜色、质地和水分元素的计算舌头图像模拟。这种计算模拟方法有可能成为中医教学中诊断教学的有用工具。