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Challenges to understanding nonmaterial dimensions of human-nature connections, and how to address them
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.5751/es-12604-260314
Rachelle K. Gould , P. Wesley Schultz

Research on the nonmaterial aspects of human-nature connections has grown steadily in recent years, yet efforts to understand nonmaterial connections between individuals and nature confront myriad challenges. We describe a set of three assumptions inherent in research on human-nature connections: (1) that the conceptions researchers are measuring exist inside a person’s head; (2) that individuals can express these conceptions (in words or otherwise); and (3) that individuals express these conceptions honestly when asked by researchers. We frame each of these assumptions as challenges, then offer suggestions for addressing each. We have found this three-part framework helpful in designing research into these difficult-to-describe connections, and we provide examples of how these assumptions and responses to them have influenced and appeared in various research traditions.



近年来,对人与自然联系的非物质方面的研究稳步增长,但理解个人与自然之间非物质联系的努力面临着无数挑战。我们描述了人与自然联系研究中固有的三个假设:(1)研究人员正在测量的概念存在于一个人的头脑中;(2) 个人可以表达这些概念(以文字或其他方式);(3) 个人在被研究人员询问时诚实地表达这些概念。我们将这些假设中的每一个都视为挑战,然后针对每个假设提出建议。我们发现这个由三部分组成的框架有助于设计对这些难以描述的联系的研究,