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Discovering gravitational waves with Advanced LIGO
Contemporary Physics ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.1080/00107514.2021.1946264
Jess McIver 1 , D. H. Shoemaker 2


Gravitational-wave astronomy started in earnest in 2015 with the first observation of waves from a binary black hole merger by NSF's LIGO detectors. Since that time, the signals from many colliding compact objects have been observed with LIGO and Virgo, giving insights into the demographics of stellar black holes, the nature of neutron stars and the products of their coalescence. Detailed studies of the signals are in agreement with the predictions of General Relativity. The instruments which enabled these measurements are of extraordinary sensitivity, and the treatment of the data to enable the observational science requires a deep understanding of the instruments and best practices for analysis. The field is rich with future opportunities to participate in this broad swath of science.


使用 Advanced LIGO 发现引力波


引力波天文学于 2015 年正式启动,当时 NSF 的 LIGO 探测器首次观测到双黑洞合并产生的波。从那时起,LIGO 和 Virgo 观测到了许多碰撞致密天体的信号,从而深入了解恒星黑洞的人口统计、中子星的性质及其合并的产物。对信号的详细研究与广义相对论的预测一致。使这些测量成为可能的仪器具有非凡的灵敏度,并且对数据进行处理以实现观测科学需要对仪器和分析的最佳实践有深入的了解。该领域拥有丰富的未来参与这一广泛科学领域的机会。
