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A Comparative Analysis of Online Versus in-Person Opioid Overdose Awareness and Reversal Training for First-Year Medical Students
Substance Use & Misuse ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2021.1958866
Nathaniel C Goss 1 , Benjamin Haslund-Gourley 1 , Dakota M Meredith 1 , Andrew V Friedman 1 , Vishnu K Kumar 1 , Kyle R Samson 2 , Ethan J Fitzgerald 1 , Shraddha Damaraju 1 , James E Verdone 1 , Jacob Edelman 1 , Troy J Anlage 1 , Daniel G Albrecht 1 , Savannah R Gorisek 1 , Ann Carnevale 1 , Annette B Gadegbeku 3



Physicians trained in opioid use disorder (OUD) harm reduction can mitigate opioid overdose deaths by prescribing naloxone and educating patients about its use. Unfortunately, many physicians possess OUD stigma. Training during medical school presents an opportunity to reduce OUD stigma and improve opioid overdose reversal knowledge. This study assessed the efficacy of Opioid Overdose Awareness and Reversal Training (OOART) and evaluated the equivalency of the online and in-person OOART. Methods: Voluntary training was delivered to first-year medical (M1) students at one medical school. In 2018 and 2019, 29 and 68 M1 students, respectively, received in-person OOART training and completed pre- and post-training surveys. In 2020, 62 students participated in online OOART training, of which 53 completed both pre- and post-training surveys. Results: All three opioid overdose Knowledge questions showed significant improvements between pre- and post-training survey responses. For Attitude questions, six of eleven questions in 2019 and 2020 and four of eleven questions in 2018 had statistically significant improvements between pre- and post-training survey responses. There were no statistical differences between in-person and online post-training survey results for two out of the three Knowledge questions and all 11 Attitude questions. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that our OOART was effective in increasing opioid overdose reversal knowledge and reducing OUD stigma. There was no meaningful difference in outcomes between the training modalities. These results support the future expansion of online and in-person OOART to a larger population of medical students.





接受过阿片类药物使用障碍 (OUD) 减害训练的医生可以通过开具纳洛酮处方和教育患者了解其使用来减轻阿片类药物过量死亡。不幸的是,许多医生都有 OUD 的耻辱。医学院期间的培训提供了减少 OUD 耻辱感和提高阿片类药物过量逆转知识的机会。本研究评估了阿片类药物过量意识和逆转训练 (OOART) 的功效,并评估了在线和面对面 OOART 的等效性。方法:为一所医学院的一年级医学 (M1) 学生提供自愿培训。2018 年和 2019 年,分别有 29 和 68 名 M1 学生接受了面对面的 OOART 培训并完成了培训前和培训后的调查。2020 年,62 名学生参加了在线 OOART 培训,其中 53 人完成了培训前和培训后的调查。结果:所有三个阿片类药物过量知识问题都显示出训练前和训练后调查答复之间的显着改善。对于态度问题,2019 年和 2020 年的 11 个问题中的 6 个问题以及 2018 年 11 个问题中的 4 个问题在培训前和培训后调查答复之间有统计学显着改善。对于三个知识问题中的两个问题和所有 11 个态度问题,面对面和在线培训后调查结果之间没有统计差异。结论:这项研究表明,我们的 OOART 可有效增加阿片类药物过量逆转知识并减少 OUD 耻辱感。训练方式之间的结果没有显着差异。这些结果支持未来将在线和面对面的 OOART 扩展到更多的医学生。
