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Bioinspired nanofluidic iontronics
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-06 , DOI: 10.1126/science.abj0437
Yaqi Hou 1 , Xu Hou 1, 2

In digital computing, functions such as processing and memory require separate components wired together for electronic conduction. Neurons, the functional units equivalent to processor and memory areas, are integrated in the brain and transmit signals through ionic and neurotransmitter conduction. Inspired by the energy-efficient computation architectures from biological systems, on page 687 of this issue, Robin et al. (1) used theory and simulations to predict that two-dimensional (2D) nanofluidic channels can show nonlinear conduction and function as memory-effect transistors. By incorporating two nanofluidic memristors in an elementary circuit that refers to Hodgkin and Huxley's model (2), the neuromorphic responses of emitting voltage spikes were reproduced in simulations of experimental devices.



在数字计算中,处理和存储等功能需要将单独的组件连接在一起以进行电子传导。神经元,相当于处理器和记忆区的功能单元,集成在大脑中,通过离子和神经递质传导传递信号。受生物系统节能计算架构的启发,在本期第 687 页,Robin等人。( 1 ) 使用理论和模拟来预测二维 (2D) 纳米流体通道可以显示非线性传导并起到记忆效应晶体管的作用。通过在参考霍奇金和赫胥黎模型的基本电路中加入两个纳米流体忆阻器 ( 2),发射电压尖峰的神经形态响应在实验设备的模拟中重现。
