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All Is Not LOST in Texas? An Outcome-Oriented Analysis of Local Option Sales Tax Choices on Measures of Economic Growth
Public Performance & Management Review ( IF 2.806 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1080/15309576.2021.1955218
David Z. Kanaan 1 , Jeremy L. Hall 2 , Huan Qin 1


Are municipal-level local option sales taxes (LOST) in Texas associated with long-term economic development outcomes? The Texas 4a and 4b LOST options fund economic development projects managed by a dedicated municipal-level economic development corporation (EDC). Instead of short-term outputs, we consider associations with three primary long-range outcomes: property value growth, population growth, and new home construction. Three regression analyses examine economic growth between 2011 and 2015 for Texas municipalities while controlling for county-level nesting effect, local capacity, and other contextual factors. The implementation of the 4a industrial development LOST shows a small significant positive association with population growth, albeit at the .10 level. The 4a LOST is also selected as part of the optimal model for property value growth despite not being significant. Implementation of the broader 4b community development LOST is not found significant nor included in any of the three outcome-based models. In each case, the county-level nesting effect is highly associated with economic development outcomes, while municipal-level capacity measures, such as property tax collected per capita, household median income, and the percentage of 4-year college graduates also show strong associations. Municipalities more dependent on the manufacturing sector show a significant negative association with all three economic development outcomes.




德克萨斯州的市级地方期权销售税 (LOST) 是否与长期经济发展成果相关?德克萨斯州 4a 和 4b LOST 期权为由专门的市级经济发展公司 (EDC) 管理的经济发展项目提供资金。我们不考虑短期产出,而是考虑与三个主要长期结果的关联:房地产价值增长、人口增长和新房建设。三项回归分析检查了 2011 年至 2015 年间德克萨斯市的经济增长,同时控制了县级嵌套效应、地方容量和其他背景因素。4a 工业发展 LOST 的实施显示出与人口增长的小显着正相关,尽管处于 0.10 的水平。尽管不显着,4a LOST 也被选为房地产价值增长的最佳模型的一部分。实施更广泛的 4b 社区发展 LOST 并不重要,也不包含在三个基于结果的模型中。在每种情况下,县级嵌套效应与经济发展成果高度相关,而市级能力指标,如人均财产税、家庭收入中位数和四年制大学毕业生比例也显示出很强的相关性. 更依赖制造业的城市与所有三个经济发展成果都显示出显着的负相关。在每种情况下,县级嵌套效应与经济发展成果高度相关,而市级能力指标,如人均财产税、家庭收入中位数和四年制大学毕业生比例也显示出很强的相关性. 更依赖制造业的城市与所有三个经济发展成果都显示出显着的负相关。在每种情况下,县级嵌套效应与经济发展成果高度相关,而市级能力指标,如人均财产税、家庭收入中位数和四年制大学毕业生比例也显示出很强的相关性. 更依赖制造业的城市与所有三个经济发展成果都显示出显着的负相关。
