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Methods identifying cost reduction potential for water electrolysis systems
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.coche.2021.100714
Alex Badgett 1 , Mark Ruth 1 , Brian James 2 , Bryan Pivovar 1

The electrochemical reduction of water to form hydrogen is an emerging alternative for energy storage, where hydrogen can be used as a transportation fuel, combusted to generate electricity, utilized in a fuel cell, or used as a feedstock for chemical synthesis. Techno-economic analysis (TEA) is a valuable tool for understanding how to inform research directions that could make hydrogen from electrolysis cost competitive with that produced by conventional means like steam methane reforming. The current state of knowledge on TEA of electrolysis systems suggests cost reductions are likely to result from advances in system design and materials, scale-up of manufacturing processes, and learning by doing effects as electrolysis deployment increases. Future directions and opportunities for TEA of electrolysis systems include dispatchable operation in wholesale power markets, optimization of capital cost and system durability, and analysis of pathways for hydrogen to support economy-wide decarbonization.



水的电化学还原形成氢气是一种新兴的储能替代方案,其中氢气可用作运输燃料、燃烧发电、用于燃料电池或用作化学合成的原料。技术经济分析 (TEA) 是了解如何确定研究方向的宝贵工具,这些研究方向可以使电解制氢的成本与通过蒸汽甲烷重整等传统方法生产的氢气相比具有竞争力。目前关于电解系统 TEA 的知识状态表明,成本降低可能​​是由于系统设计和材料的进步、制造工艺的扩大以及随着电解部署的增加而从实践中学习的效果。
