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Comparison of polysomnography, sleep apnea screening test and cardiopulmonary coupling in the diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2021.110867
Feng Zhai 1 , Yanbo Li 2 , Jie Chen 1


The study aims to investigate into the correlation between clinical characteristics of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the results of polysomnography (PSG), sleep apnea screening test (SAST) and cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) respectively and compare their diagnostic values for pediatric OSA patients.


We recruited 239 pediatric OSA patients aged between 2 and 12 from Jan 1, 2017 to Jun 30, 2018. All the patients received PSG, SAST and CPC simultaneously and the results of these three different tests were compared and analyzed together with their clinical features. The relationship between the size of adenoid/tonsil and the severity of OSA was also analyzed.


No statistically significant differences were noted between SAST and PSG in the oxygen desaturation index (ODI3) and lowest oxygen saturation (LsO2) respectively. No significant statistical difference was noted in the proportion of rapid eye movement sleep between CPC and PSG. The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) from CPC was significantly lower than that from PSG. In the severe OSA group, no significant statistical difference was noted in AHI between these two tests. However, AHI from CPC was significantly lower than that from PSG in other groups. No statistically significant difference was noted in AHI and ODI3 among different groups graded by the size of adenoid or tonsil, suggesting that the size of adenoid/tonsil may not be highly related to the severity of OSA.


SAST is an acceptable fast screening tool in the assessments of blood oxygen desaturation and further pediatric OSA screening. CPC is capable to screen severe pediatric OSA, but its results should be interpreted with caution for pediatric patients with non-severe OSA. The size of adenoid/tonsil may not be highly related to the severity of OSA.




本研究旨在探讨儿童阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 (OSA) 的临床特征与多导睡眠图 (PSG)、睡眠呼吸暂停筛查试验 (SAST) 和心肺耦合 (CPC) 结果之间的相关性,并比较它们对儿童 OSA 的诊断价值。耐心。


我们于 2017 年 1 月 1 日至 2018 年 6 月 30 日招募了 239 名年龄在 2 至 12 岁之间的儿童 OSA 患者。所有患者同时接受 PSG、SAST 和 CPC,并将这三种不同测试的结果与其临床特征一起进行比较和分析。还分析了腺样体/扁桃体的大小与 OSA 严重程度之间的关系。


SAST 和 PSG 分别在氧饱和度指数 (ODI 3 ) 和最低氧饱和度 (LsO 2 ) 方面没有发现统计学上的显着差异。CPC 和 PSG 之间快速眼动睡眠的比例没有发现显着的统计学差异。CPC 的呼吸暂停低通气指数 (AHI) 显着低于 PSG。在重度 OSA 组中,这两项测试之间的 AHI 没有发现显着的统计学差异。然而,CPC 的 AHI 显着低于其他组的 PSG。在 AHI 和 ODI 3 中没有注意到统计学上的显着差异 在按腺样体或扁桃体大小分级的不同组中,提示腺样体/扁桃体的大小可能与 OSA 的严重程度不高度相关。


SAST 是一种可接受的快速筛查工具,可用于评估血氧饱和度下降和进一步儿科 OSA 筛查。CPC 能够筛查重度儿科 OSA,但对于非重度 OSA 儿科患者,应谨慎解释其结果。腺样体/扁桃体的大小可能与 OSA 的严重程度无关。
