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Uncovering the realities of delusional experience in schizophrenia: a qualitative phenomenological study in Belgium
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 64.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(21)00196-6
Jasper Feyaerts 1 , Wouter Kusters 2 , Zeno Van Duppen 3 , Stijn Vanheule 4 , Inez Myin-Germeys 5 , Louis Sass 6


Delusions in schizophrenia are commonly approached as empirical false beliefs about everyday reality. Phenomenological accounts, by contrast, have suggested that delusions are more adequately understood as pertaining to a different kind of reality experience. How this alteration of reality experience should be characterised, which dimensions of experiential life are involved, and whether delusional reality might differ from standard reality in various ways is unclear and little is known about how patients with delusions value and relate to these experiential alterations. This study aimed to investigate the nature of delusional reality experience, and its subjective apprehension, in individuals with lived experience of delusions and a schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis.


In this qualitative phenomenological study, we recruited individuals with lived experience of delusions and a schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis from two psychiatric-hospital services in Belgium using homogenous sampling. Criteria for participation were having undergone at least one psychotic episode with occurring delusional symptoms, present at least 1 year before participation, on the basis of clinical notes assessed by the attending psychiatrist; a schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis, ascertained through clinical interview by the attending psychiatrist upon admission; being aged between 18 years and 65 years; and having the capacity to give informed consent. Exclusion criteria included worries concerning capacity to consent and risk of distress caused by participation. We did phenomenologically driven semi-structured interviews with the participants to explore the nature of delusional reality experience and their subjective valuation of these experiences. We used interpretative phenomenological analysis, a qualitative method tailored to the in-depth exploration of participants' first-person perspective, to analyse their accounts.


Between March 2, 2020, and Sept 30, 2020, 18 adults (13 men and five women, aged 19–62 years) participated in the interview study. The findings suggest that delusions are often embedded in wide-ranging alterations of basic reality experience, involving quasi-ineffable atmospheric and ontological qualities that undermine participants' sense of the world as unambiguously real, fully present, and shared with others. We also found that delusional reality experience can differ from standard reality in various ways (ie, in a hypo-real and hyper-real form), across multiple dimensions (eg, meaningfulness, necessity and contingency, and detachment and engagement), and that participants are often implicitly or explicitly aware of the distinction between delusional and standard reality. Delusional experience can have an enduring value and meaning that is not fully captured by a strictly medical perspective.


Increased awareness and recognition of the distinctive nature of delusional reality experience, in both clinical and research settings, can improve diagnostic accuracy, explanatory models, and therapeutic support for individuals with delusions whose lived realities are not always evident from an everyday perspective.


FWO Flanders.


For the Dutch translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.






在这项定性现象学研究中,我们使用同质抽样从比利时的两家精神病院服务处招募了具有妄想和精神分裂症谱系诊断的个体。根据主治精神病医生评估的临床记录,参与标准是至少经历过一次精神病发作并出现妄想症状,至少在参与前 1 年出现;精神分裂症谱系诊断,由主治精神科医生在入院时通过临床面谈确定;年龄在 18 岁至 65 岁之间;并有能力给予知情同意。排除标准包括对同意能力的担忧和参与造成的痛苦风险。我们对参与者进行了现象学驱动的半结构化访谈,以探索妄想现实体验的本质以及他们对这些体验的主观评价。我们使用解释性现象学分析(一种专为深入探索参与者的第一人称视角而量身定制的定性方法)来分析他们的陈述。


2020 年 3 月 2 日至 2020 年 9 月 30 日期间,18 名成年人(13 名男性和 5 名女性,年龄在 19-62 岁之间)参与了访谈研究。研究结果表明,妄想通常嵌入在基本现实体验的广泛改变中,涉及几乎不可言喻的大气和本体论品质,这些品质削弱了参与者对世界的明确真实、完全呈现和与他人共享的感觉。我们还发现,妄想的现实体验可以在多个方面(例如,意义、必要性和偶然性,以及超脱和参与)以各种方式(即,以亚真实和超真实形式)与标准现实不同,并且参与者往往隐含或明确地意识到妄想现实和标准现实之间的区别。






