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Assessment of pregnancy dietary intake and association with maternal and neonatal outcomes
Pediatric Research ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03 , DOI: 10.1038/s41390-021-01665-6
Jole Costanza 1 , Margherita Camanni 1 , Maria Maddalena Ferrari 2 , Valentina De Cosmi 3, 4 , Silvia Tabano 5, 6 , Laura Fontana 1, 6 , Tatjana Radaelli 2 , Giulia Privitera 2 , Daniela Alberico 2 , Patrizia Colapietro 6 , Silvia Motta 1 , Silvia Sirchia 7 , Tamara Stampalija 8, 9 , Chiara Tabasso 4, 10 , Paola Roggero 4, 10 , Fabio Parazzini 2, 4 , Fabio Mosca 4, 10 , Enrico Ferrazzi 2, 4 , Silvano Bosari 11 , Monica Miozzo 1, 7 , Carlo Agostoni 3, 4


Maternal dietary habits are contributors of maternal and fetal health; however, available data are heterogeneous and not conclusive.


Nutrient intake during pregnancy was assessed in 503 women with uncomplicated pregnancies, using the validated Food Frequency Questionnaire developed by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC-FFQ).


In all, 68% of women had a normal body mass index at the beginning of pregnancy, and 83% of newborns had an appropriate weight for gestational age. Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG), and placental weight were independently correlated with birth weight. GWG was not related to the pre-pregnancy BMI. EPIC-FFQ evaluation showed that 30% of women adhered to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) ranges for macronutrient intake. In most pregnant women (98.1%), consumption of water was below recommendations. Comparing women with intakes within EFSA ranges for macronutrients with those who did not, no differences were found in BMI, GWG, and neonatal or placental weight. Neither maternal nor neonatal parameters were associated with the maternal dietary profiles.


In our population, maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, GWG, and placental weight are determinants of birth weight percentile, while no association was found with maternal nutrition. Future studies should explore associations through all infancy.


  • Maternal anthropometrics and nutrition status may affect offspring birth weight.

  • In 503 healthy women, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain (GWG), and placental weight were independently correlated to neonatal birth weight. GWG was not related to the pre-pregnancy BMI. In all, 30% of women respected the EFSA ranges for macronutrients. Neither maternal nor neonatal parameters were associated with maternal dietary profiles considered in this study.

  • Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, GWG, and placental weight are determinants of neonatal birth weight percentile, while a connection with maternal nutrition profiles was not found.






使用由欧洲癌症和营养前瞻性调查 (EPIC-FFQ) 开发的经过验证的食物频率问卷,评估了 503 名怀孕期间的营养摄入情况。


总的来说,68% 的女性在怀孕初期体重指数正常,83% 的新生儿体重适合胎龄。母亲孕前体重指数 (BMI)、妊娠期体重增加 (GWG) 和胎盘重量与出生体重独立相关。GWG 与孕前 BMI 无关。EPIC-FFQ 评估表明,30% 的女性遵守欧洲食品安全局 (EFSA) 的常量营养素摄入量范围。大多数孕妇 (98.1%) 的饮水量低于建议值。将常量营养素摄入量在 EFSA 范围内的女性与那些摄入量未在 EFSA 范围内的女性进行比较,发现 BMI、GWG、新生儿或胎盘体重没有差异。产妇和新生儿参数均与产妇饮食概况无关。


在我们的人群中,母亲孕前 BMI、GWG 和胎盘重量是出生体重百分位的决定因素,但与母亲营养没有关联。未来的研究应该探索整个婴儿期的关联。


  • 母亲的人体测量学和营养状况可能会影响后代的出生体重。

  • 在 503 名健康女性中,母亲孕前体重指数 (BMI)、妊娠期体重增加 (GWG) 和胎盘重量与新生儿出生体重独立相关。GWG 与孕前 BMI 无关。总的来说,30% 的女性遵守 EFSA 的常量营养素范围。母亲和新生儿参数均与本研究中考虑的母亲饮食概况无关。

  • 母亲孕前 BMI、GWG 和胎盘重量是新生儿出生体重百分位数的决定因素,但未发现与母亲营养状况的联系。
