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Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-02 , DOI: 10.1002/fee.2383

High-tech gear an increasing threat to fish

Ken Ferguson

Recent advancements in sport-fishing technology might entice anglers to open their wallets, but widespread adoption of high-tech gear could pose serious threats to populations of commonly targeted marine and freshwater fish, warn the authors of a new synthesis (Rev Fish Biol Fisher 2021; doi.org/10.1007/s11160-021-09643-1).

Drones, futuristic echo sounders, electronic lures, composite rods, and bioengineered scents are just a few of the many innovations now available to recreational anglers that aid in locating, luring, and landing fish; even the humble hook has been modernized with new designs and materials. “These technologies can be used in ways that increase the efficiency of anglers, which may elevate the potential for overexploitation or release mortality”, says Steven Cooke, a fish ecologist at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) and primary author of the paper. “Essentially, they have the potential to make all fish findable and catchable, and the incremental effect of these advances will start to add up.”

Although sophisticated equipment can also have practical applications in fisheries research and monitoring, development of science-based management strategies to address the potential impacts of evolving technologies tends to lag far behind the spread of newfangled fishing gear. “Managers are always playing catch up, given limited resources and the range of issues and conflicts that require their attention”, notes Cooke. “Fishing tech moves quickly and is initially embraced by fishing professionals, who are sponsored by the manufacturers of the tech, and then the masses quickly follow.”

In light of the extensive variety of innovations, effective regulation would most likely need to consist of both top-down (such as federal or state restrictions on drone use) and bottom-up (fishing tournament organizers banning the use of certain types of equipment, for instance) approaches to ensure that sport fishing remains sustainable even as catch efficiency improves.

“Our main goal was to alert fisheries managers to the emerging technologies and how they are being embraced by anglers”, Cooke explains. “The idea is to get managers and the angling community to think proactively about what these advancements mean and what to do about it, as it is up to the angling community – and society more broadly – to make decisions about when technology has crossed a line that we don’t want to cross.”

Recreational fishing gear has come a long way from its modest origins.

T Cornell/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)





一项新合成的作者警告说,运动钓鱼技术的最新进展可能会吸引垂钓者打开钱包,但高科技装备的广泛采用可能会对共同目标的海洋和淡水鱼类种群构成严重威胁(Rev Fish Biol Fisher 2021 ; doi.org/10.1007/s11160-021-09643-1)。




“我们的主要目标是提醒渔业管理人员注意新兴技术以及垂钓者如何接受这些技术”,Cooke 解释说。“这个想法是让管理人员和钓鱼社区积极思考这些进步意味着什么以及如何处理它,因为这取决于钓鱼社区 - 以及更广泛的社会 - 决定技术何时越过界限我们不想穿越。”


T康奈尔/维基共享资源(CC BY-SA 4.0)
