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The Trials of Solidarity: A Defence
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-03
Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernández


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact communities around the world, "solidarity" has become a rallying cry, invoked by everyone from world leaders and politicians to academics and community organizers. Bandied about in different ways for a plethora of purposes without a clear definition, these calls for solidarity are often diffused and largely ignore how the very forces that have exacerbated the impact of the pandemic have also put solidarity itself on trial. Making sense of these trials requires a complex understanding of solidarity and a recognition of the contradictions that underly the many uses of the concept. This article traces different understandings of solidarity and points to the promises and opportunities, as well as the puzzles and challenges, that each understanding suggests. The article concludes with a set of questions about solidarity that must be asked as we navigate the global pandemic.




随着 COVID-19 大流行继续影响世界各地的社区,“团结”已成为一种号召,从世界领导人和政治家到学者和社区组织者,每个人都在呼吁。出于多种目的而没有明确定义,这些呼吁以不同方式散播,这些呼吁团结的声音往往被分散开来,并且在很大程度上忽略了加剧大流行影响的力量如何也使团结本身受到考验。理解这些试验需要对团结有一个复杂的理解,并承认这个概念的许多用途背后的矛盾。本文追溯了对团结的不同理解,并指出了每种理解所暗示的承诺和机遇,以及难题和挑战。
