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Spatial variability in rates of net primary production (NPP) and onset of the spring bloom in Greenland shelf waters
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102655
Maria Vernet 1 , Ingrid Ellingsen 2 , Christian Marchese 3, 4, 5 , Simon Bélanger 6 , Mattias Cape 7 , Dag Slagstad 2 , Patricia A. Matrai 8

Greenland extends from 60° to 83° N, with 80% of its land mass covered by the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). This extensive latitudinal gradient is associated with concomitant environmental gradients that impact the biogeochemical properties of its coastal waters. Although the Greenland fjords have been the subject of intense study, less is known of the productivity in the continental shelves, regions that support local fisheries and influence fjord oceanography. This study provides a large-scale overview of annual net primary production rates (NPP) and their spatial variability in 7 regional shelves around Greenland, over the last decade (2008–2017), with special emphasis on spring bloom initiation. NPP is estimated by two independent approaches already established as best for estimating Arctic productivity: a physically-biologically coupled, regional 3D ocean model (SINMOD) and a spectrally-resolved, light-photosynthesis model of primary production (UQUAR-Takuvik model) that is applied to satellite observations of phytoplankton chlorophyll a, which is derived from ocean color remote sensing (OCRS). Both OCRS and SINMOD provide similar estimates of the timing and rates of productivity in Greenlandic waters, when compared with scarce field estimates. Bloom initiation shows a strong south-north gradient, beginning in April in the southern regions and late June in the Arctic Ocean. OCRS-modeled NPP highlights the effect of sea ice presence on bloom initiation; this method depicts the start of the bloom consistently later, by up to 13 days on average, than SINMOD-modeled NPP estimates. In contrast, numerical modeling is able to detect early phytoplankton growth in Greenland shelves, particularly underneath seasonal sea ice. Rates of annual NPP show a strong south-north gradient, with higher NPP rates observed in the North Atlantic water-influenced southern regions, with up to a factor of 3 decrease in NPP towards the north, in the western Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Annual NPP varies from 78.3 ± 12.3 g C m−2 yr−1 and 80.3 ± 18.7 g C m−2 yr−1 in the southern regions to 24.7 ± 3.9 g C m−2 yr−1 in the Arctic Ocean. In each region, sea ice distribution and timing of formation and retreat affect location and timing of seasonal productivity with earlier and higher NPP offshore, moving inshore towards the summer. An average 55% to 75% of the annual production is estimated to be exported to depth, higher in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, suggesting Greenland shelf waters have a potential for high carbon export to depth and relatively less carbon associated with the microbial food web.



格陵兰岛从北纬 60° 延伸到 83°,其 80% 的陆地被格陵兰冰盖 (GrIS) 覆盖。这种广泛的纬度梯度与影响其沿海水域生物地球化学特性的伴随环境梯度有关。尽管格陵兰峡湾一直是深入研究的主题,但人们对大陆架、支持当地渔业和影响峡湾海洋学的地区的生产力知之甚少。本研究提供了过去十年(2008-2017 年)格陵兰岛周围 7 个区域大陆架的年度净初级生产力 (NPP) 及其空间变异性的大规模概述,特别强调了春季开花的开始。NPP 是通过两种独立的方法来估计的,这些方法已经成为估计北极生产力的最佳方法:物理-生物耦合,一种,它来自海洋颜色遥感(OCRS)。与稀缺的实地估计相比,OCRS 和 SINMOD 都提供了对格陵兰水域生产力时间和生产率的类似估计。绽放开始显示出强烈的南北梯度,从南部地区的 4 月开始,在北冰洋的 6 月下旬开始。OCRS 模拟的 NPP 突出了海冰存在对水华开始的影响;这种方法描述的开花开始时间始终比 SINMOD 建模的 NPP 估计晚,平均最多 13 天。相比之下,数值建模能够检测格陵兰大陆架的早期浮游植物生长,特别是在季节性海冰下。年度 NPP 率显示出强烈的南北梯度,在北大西洋受水影响的南部地区观察到更高的 NPP 率,在北冰洋欧亚盆地西部,NPP 向北下降最多 3 倍。每年的 NPP 从 78.3 ± 12.3 g C m 不等-2 yr -1和 80.3 ± 18.7 g C m -2 yr -1在南部地区到 24.7 ± 3.9 g C m -2 yr -1在北冰洋。在每个地区,海冰分布以及形成和消退的时间影响季节性生产力的位置和时间,离岸 NPP 较早和较高,向内陆向夏季移动。据估计,年产量的平均 55% 至 75% 被出口到深海,在北极和亚北极地区更高,这表明格陵兰大陆架水域具有向深海出口高碳的潜力,并且与微生物食物相关的碳相对较少网。
