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Refugee education: Introduction to the special section
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 2.133 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3764
Ahlam Lee 1

This special section focuses on education in relation to diverse refugee groups by exploring and engaging interdisciplinary perspectives. A collection of nine articles articulates the plight of refugees in the resettlement context at the nexus of conflicts with host citizens, pre-migration trauma and post-migration stress, and educational opportunities for survival and upward social mobility. Refugees discussed in this special section come from different countries of origin, while facing similar challenges of integration in different host countries. Beginning with the context and common background of refugees, this editorial analyses the underlying mechanisms of anti-refugee sentiments based on the host countries studied in the nine articles, including Australia, Canada, Greece, Kenya, the United Kingdom, the United States, South Korea, Sweden and Turkey. It then discusses the following themes derived from the nine articles: (1) the gap between refugees’ educational aspirations and opportunities; (2) refugees’ identity negotiation; and (3) educational practices, policies and leadership for refugees. Lastly, it synthesises the central arguments of the articles to give a sense of how anti-refugee sentiments are interconnected with barriers to learning for refugees and to provide a rationale for institutionalising inclusive education for them. This special section is aimed at encouraging readers to adopt a multi-layered lens for examining refugee education to better understand how refugees are not only traumatised victims of extremist ideologies, but also ostracised in a wide range of settings including schools, universities and communities in their host countries.



这个特别部分通过探索和参与跨学科的观点,侧重于与不同难民群体有关的教育。九篇文章的合集阐述了难民在与东道国公民发生冲突、移民前创伤和移民后压力以及生存和向上社会流动的教育机会之间的重新安置环境中的困境。本专题讨论的难民来自不同的原籍国,同时在不同的收容国面临着相似的融合挑战。这篇社论从难民的背景和共同背景入手,以澳大利亚、加拿大、希腊、肯尼亚、英国、美国、南美九篇文章所研究的东道国为基础,分析反难民情绪的潜在机制。韩国,瑞典和土耳其。然后讨论了源自九篇文章的以下主题:(1)难民的教育愿望和机会之间的差距;(二)难民身份协商;(3) 针对难民的教育实践、政策和领导。最后,它综合了文章的中心论点,以了解反难民情绪如何与难民的学习障碍相互关联,并为将包容性教育制度化提供理论依据。这个特别部分旨在鼓励读者采用多层次的视角来审视难民教育,以更好地了解难民如何不仅是极端主义意识形态的创伤受害者,而且还在包括学校、大学和社区在内的广泛环境中受到排斥。东道国。然后讨论了源自九篇文章的以下主题:(1)难民的教育愿望和机会之间的差距;(二)难民身份协商;(3) 针对难民的教育实践、政策和领导。最后,它综合了文章的中心论点,以了解反难民情绪如何与难民的学习障碍相互关联,并为将包容性教育制度化提供理论依据。这个特别部分旨在鼓励读者采用多层次的视角来审视难民教育,以更好地了解难民如何不仅是极端主义意识形态的创伤受害者,而且还在包括学校、大学和社区在内的广泛环境中受到排斥。东道国。然后讨论了源自九篇文章的以下主题:(1)难民的教育愿望和机会之间的差距;(二)难民身份协商;(3) 针对难民的教育实践、政策和领导。最后,它综合了文章的中心论点,以了解反难民情绪如何与难民的学习障碍相互关联,并为将包容性教育制度化提供理论依据。这个特别部分旨在鼓励读者采用多层次的视角来审视难民教育,以更好地了解难民如何不仅是极端主义意识形态的创伤受害者,而且还在包括学校、大学和社区在内的广泛环境中受到排斥。东道国。