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COVID-19 and remote learning: experiences of parents supporting children with special needs and disability during the pandemic
Education 3-13 Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1960579
Patricia A. Shaw 1 , Alan Shaw 2


The closure of school buildings due to COVID-19 created a challenge for parents and teachers supporting children’s remote learning. This paper presents findings of a study that explored whether parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) experienced an unusually challenging period and what obstacles they faced. An online survey was sent to parents during the first (March–June 2020) and second (January–March 2021) lockdowns in England: a total of 141 voluntary participants responded. Thematic data analysis identified three significant themes: Infrastructure (Quality and efficacy of resources; Access to school’s virtual learning environment); Impact on parent (Perceived lack of ability or understanding; Relationships; Time; Mental health); Impact on child (Reduced stress and anxiety; Need for routine). Recommendations for schools include collaborating with parents to ensure children with SEND achieve greater equality and inclusivity in educational provision, by developing blended models for in-school and remote learning.


COVID-19 和远程学习:父母在大流行期间支持有特殊需要和残疾儿童的经验


因 COVID-19 而关闭的校舍给支持儿童远程学习的家长和教师带来了挑战。本文介绍了一项研究的结果,该研究探讨了有特殊教育需要和残疾 (SEND) 儿童的父母是否经历了一段异常艰难的时期,以及他们面临的障碍。在英格兰第一次(2020 年 3 月至 6 月)和第二次(2021 年 1 月至 3 月)封锁期间,向家长发送了一份在线调查:共有 141 名自愿参与者做出了回应。专题数据分析确定了三个重要主题:基础设施(资源的质量和功效;访问学校的虚拟学习环境);对父母的影响(认为缺乏能力或理解力;人际关系;时间;心理健康);对儿童的影响(减少压力和焦虑;需要常规)。
