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Experimental investigation of effect of printing parameters on impact strength of the bio-inspired 3D printed specimen
Sādhanā ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s12046-021-01671-8
Mahesh Naik 1 , Dineshsingh G Thakur 1

Additive Manufacturing (AM) has the ability to fabricate complex structures with bio-mimicry features. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which is AM technique, has the capability of creating complex geometry parts in a short time. The mechanical properties of FDM build parts can be improved by selecting the proper printing parameters. In the present study, the effect of printing parameters viz. printing orientation (flat and on-edge) and infill density (20%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 80% and 100%) on the impact strength of bio-inspired 3D printed specimen has been studied. The specimens with multi-infill pattern were inspired by bio-inspired structure like a turtle shell. The multi-infill pattern specimen includes triangular, honeycomb and grid infill patterns. Based on this multi-infill pattern, impact specimens were fabricated and tested. Impact strength and impact strength/weight ratio of specimens in flat and on-edge orientation are measured and evaluated. The result shows that the impact strength and impact strength/weight ratio of multi-infill pattern specimens printed in flat orientation is less compared to specimens printed in on-edge orientation. The multi-infill pattern specimen with 20% infill density printed in on-edge orientation has the highest impact strength and impact strength/weight ratio as compared to other specimens. Further, high magnification fracture surface analysis is performed to aid in the characterisation of specimen failures.



增材制造 (AM) 能够制造具有仿生特征的复杂结构。熔融沉积建模 (FDM) 是一种 AM 技术,能够在短时间内创建复杂的几何零件。通过选择合适的打印参数,可以改善 FDM 构建部件的机械性能。在本研究中,印刷参数的影响即。研究了打印方向(平面和边缘)和填充密度(20%、35%、50%、65%、80% 和 100%)对仿生 3D 打印标本的冲击强度的影响。具有多重填充图案的标本受到像龟壳这样的仿生结构的启发。多填充图案试样包括三角形、蜂窝和网格填充图案。基于这种多填充图案,制作并测试了冲击试样。测量和评估平面和边缘方向试样的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比。结果表明,与在边缘方向打印的试样相比,以平面取向打印的多填充图案试样的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比要小。与其他样品相比,在边缘方向印刷的具有 20% 填充密度的多填充图案样品具有最高的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比。此外,还进行了高倍断裂表面分析,以帮助表征试样故障。结果表明,与在边缘方向打印的试样相比,以平面取向打印的多填充图案试样的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比要小。与其他样品相比,在边缘方向印刷的具有 20% 填充密度的多填充图案样品具有最高的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比。此外,还进行了高倍断裂表面分析,以帮助表征试样故障。结果表明,与在边缘方向打印的试样相比,以平面取向打印的多填充图案试样的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比要小。与其他样品相比,在边缘方向印刷的具有 20% 填充密度的多填充图案样品具有最高的冲击强度和冲击强度/重量比。此外,还进行了高倍断裂表面分析,以帮助表征试样故障。
