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Developing a quality assurance identity in a university: a grounded theory approach
Quality Assurance in Education Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1108/qae-12-2020-0141
Godson A. Tetteh 1 , Kwasi Amoako-Gyampah 2 , Juliet Twumasi 3


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate in the context of quality assurance (QA), how stakeholders define quality education and its connections to maximize value for the stakeholder using a grounded theory approach.


A four-stage research design using grounded theory methodology was used to develop and elicit a theory, after which a single-case study design with embedded coding and analysis was used to examine the QA – Maximize Value for stakeholder’s relationships. The sample consisted of 16 participants who had visibility over the entire QA – Maximize Value relationship, were knowledgeable, willing to participate and had between 4 and 12 years’ higher education experience. The data was collected through focus, elite groups and in-depth interviews based on the participants’ perspectives of their experiences. The collected data was subjected to content analysis. The following research questions focused on: definition of QA, the definition of quality education and stakeholders’ expectations for the education setting.


The study identified 10 categories that drive the QA – Maximize Value for stakeholder relationships in higher education settings. The categories are, namely, the definition of QA; definition of quality management; value for governing council; value for lecturers and staff; value for students; value for employers; value for government; definition of quality education; continuous improvement; and QA in universities. The main findings of the research related to “how” and “why” QA create value for stakeholders. The results of the study indicate that the governing council representatives’ (key stakeholders) expected value creation through improved management and proper education policy. The expected value creation for lecturers and university staff included career advancement, good working conditions of service, remuneration and the excellent performance of students. The paper finds that QA in higher education is contingent on senior management commitment to the strategic decision on overall objectives, management of the facility, financial and human resources, which are geared toward ensuring effective teaching, student learning and value maximization for all stakeholders.

Research limitations/implications

The limitation of the study is that the major stakeholders considered were all from universities. Other stakeholders such as employers from the industry and other sectors should be included in a future study.

Practical implications

Based on the study findings, two major implications for training of senior management, deans and heads of departments in the concepts of QA to maximize value for all stakeholders; and the QA system selected for the university must be “fit for purpose” were drawn, leading to recommendations for future practice. These findings can help universities to develop strategies that improve educational quality and maximize value for all stakeholders. The authors suggested some propositions that can be examined in-depth in future research endeavors so as to enhance the understanding of the predictors of QA in education and the expectations of different stakeholders.


The originality of the study lies in the perspective of experienced participants who had visibility over the entire QA –Maximize Value relationship and were knowledgeable. Based on the use of the grounded theory approach and the view of major stakeholders used in this research, the findings emphasize the stakeholders’ – driven definition of quality education that focuses on value maximization for all stakeholders. This is different from the majority of the existing definitions in the quality literature that are primarily standard-driven, focusing on meeting a pre-defined set of standards, specifications, requirements and are set internally or externally. The approach provides an opportunity to increase the credibility and rigor of grounded theory research.




本研究的目的是在质量保证 (QA) 的背景下展示利益相关者如何定义优质教育及其联系,以使用扎根理论方法为利益相关者最大化价值。


使用扎根理论方法的四阶段研究设计用于开发和引出理论,然后使用带有嵌入式编码和分析的单案例研究设计来检查 QA – 最大化利益相关者关系的价值。该样本由 16 名参与者组成,他们了解整个 QA - 最大化价值关系,知识渊博,愿意参与,并且拥有 4 到 12 年的高等教育经验。数据是根据参与者对他们的经历的观点,通过焦点、精英团体和深度访谈收集的。对收集到的数据进行内容分析。以下研究问题集中在:质量保证的定义、优质教育的定义和利益相关者对教育环境的期望。


该研究确定了推动 QA 的 10 个类别——最大化高等教育环境中利益相关者关系的价值。类别是,即质量保证的定义;质量管理的定义;对理事会的价值;对讲师和员工的价值;对学生的价值;对雇主的价值;对政府的价值;素质教育的定义;连续的提高; 和大学的QA。研究的主要发现与“如何”和“为什么”QA 为利益相关者创造价值有关。研究结果表明,理事会代表(主要利益相关者)期望通过改进管理和适当的教育政策创造价值。为讲师和大学工作人员创造的预期价值包括职业发展、良好的工作服务条件、报酬和学生的优异表现。本文发现,高等教育中的质量保证取决于高级管理层对总体目标、设施管理、财务和人力资源的战略决策的承诺,这些决策旨在确保所有利益相关者的有效教学、学生学习和价值最大化。




根据研究结果,对高级管理人员、院长和部门负责人进行质量保证概念培训的两个主要影响,以最大限度地为所有利益相关者带来价值;并且为大学选择的 QA 系统必须“适合目的”,从而为未来的实践提出建议。这些发现可以帮助大学制定提高教育质量和为所有利益相关者最大化价值的战略。作者提出了一些可以在未来研究工作中深入研究的命题,以增强对教育质量保证预测因素的理解以及不同利益相关者的期望。


该研究的独创性在于经验丰富的参与者的视角,他们了解整个 QA – 最大化价值关系并且知识渊博。基于扎根理论方法的使用和本研究中使用的主要利益相关者的观点,研究结果强调了利益相关者驱动的素质教育定义,重点是所有利益相关者的价值最大化。这与质量文献中的大多数现有定义不同,这些定义主要是标准驱动的,侧重于满足内部或外部设置的一组预定义的标准、规范、要求。该方法为提高扎根理论研究的可信度和严谨性提供了机会。
