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Stigma, stereotypes and support: the 3S in navigating complex journeys from Intensive English Centres to higher education for students from refugee backgrounds in Australia
The Australian Educational Researcher ( IF 2.383 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s13384-021-00464-6
Shelley Gower 1 , Jaya A. R. Dantas 1

This study examined the experiences of students from refugee backgrounds (SfRBs) as they transitioned from Intensive English Centres (IECs) based at metropolitan high schools in Western Australia (WA) into higher education. Focus group discussions revealed that SfRBs were highly motivated and held aspirations for completion of tertiary study. Enabling factors included a supportive IEC environment, social and family support and tailored university enabling courses. However, students also faced barriers such as competing priorities, learning difficulties remaining undiagnosed and standardised testing. Individual in-depth interviews with key informants provided context and policy perspectives, such as the impact of settlement service policy changes on the provision of adequate services. There is limited literature on the experiences of students transitioning from IECs through the Australian education system. The findings of this study help to critically understand the unique experiences of young people from refugee backgrounds navigating the WA education system and reiterate the need for inclusive and supportive policies. Recommendations for universities and future research include the development of culturally appropriate tools to identify learning difficulties in SfRBs, and capturing the knowledge and capacity of IEC educators.


污名、刻板印象和支持:为澳大利亚难民背景的学生从强化英语中心到高等教育的复杂旅程中的 3S

本研究调查了难民背景 (SfRB) 学生从西澳大利亚 (WA) 都市高中的强化英语中心 (IEC) 过渡到高等教育的经历。焦点小组讨论显示,SfRB 的积极性很高,并渴望完成高等教育。支持因素包括支持性的 IEC 环境、社会和家庭支持以及量身定制的大学支持课程。然而,学生也面临着诸如优先级竞争、学习困难仍未确诊和标准化测试等障碍。与关键知情人的个人深入访谈提供了背景和政策观点,例如定居服务政策变化对提供足够服务的影响。关于学生从 IEC 过渡到澳大利亚教育系统的经历的文献有限。这项研究的结果有助于批判性地了解来自难民背景的年轻人在西澳教育系统中的独特经历,并重申包容性和支持性政策的必要性。对大学和未来研究的建议包括开发适合文化的工具来识别 SfRB 的学习困难,并获取 IEC 教育者的知识和能力。
