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The Safety and Efficacy of Botanicals with Nootropic Effects
Current Neuropharmacology ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.2174/1570159x19666210726150432
Amy L Roe 1 , Arvind Venkataraman 1

Recent estimates for the global brain health supplement category, i.e. nootropic market size, will grow to nearly $5.8 billion by 2023. Overall, nearly one-quarter (23%) of adults currently take a supplement to maintain or improve brain health or delay and reverse dementia. Not surprisingly, the use of such supplements increases with age - more than one-third of the oldest generation (ages 74 and older) takes a supplement for brain health. This widespread use is being driven by a strong desire both in the younger and older generations to enhance cognitive performance and achieve healthy aging. The most prevalent botanicals currently dominating the nootropic marketplace include Gingko biloba, American ginseng, and Bacopa monnieri. However, other botanicals that affect stress, focus, attention, and sleep have also been procured by dietary supplement companies developing products for improving both, short and long-term brain health. This review focuses on efficacy data for neuroactive botanicals targeted at improving cognitive function, stress reduction, memory, mood, attention, concentration, focus, and alertness, including Bacopa monnieri, Ginkgo biloba, Holy basil, American ginseng, Gotu kola, Lemon balm, Common and Spanish sages and spearmint. Botanicals are discussed in terms of available clinical efficacy data and current safety profiles. Data gaps are highlighted for both efficacy and safety to bring attention to unmet needs and future research.



最近对全球大脑健康补充剂类别的估计,即促智市场规模,到 2023 年将增长到近 58 亿美元。总体而言,目前近四分之一 (23%) 的成年人服用补充剂来维持或改善大脑健康或延迟和逆转痴呆。毫不奇怪,此类补充剂的使用随着年龄的增长而增加 - 超过三分之一的最年长一代(74 岁及以上)为大脑健康服用补充剂。这种广泛使用是由年轻一代和老一代强烈渴望提高认知能力和实现健康老龄化推动的。目前主导促智市场的最流行的植物包括银杏、西洋参和假马齿苋。然而,其他影响压力、注意力、注意力、膳食补充剂公司也采购了睡眠和睡眠,这些公司开发的产品可以改善短期和长期的大脑健康。本综述侧重于神经活性植物药的功效数据,旨在改善认知功能、减轻压力、记忆力、情绪、注意力、注意力、注意力和警觉性,包括假马齿苋、银杏叶、圣罗勒、西洋参、可乐可乐、香蜂草、普通和西班牙圣人和留兰香。植物药根据可用的临床疗效数据和当前的安全性进行了讨论。强调了有效性和安全性方面的数据差距,以引起人们对未满足的需求和未来研究的关注。减压、记忆力、情绪、注意力、注意力、专注力和警觉性,包括假马齿苋、银杏叶、圣罗勒、西洋参、Gotu kola、香蜂草、普通和西班牙鼠尾草和留兰香。植物药根据可用的临床疗效数据和当前的安全性进行了讨论。强调了有效性和安全性方面的数据差距,以引起人们对未满足的需求和未来研究的关注。减压、记忆力、情绪、注意力、注意力、专注力和警觉性,包括假马齿苋、银杏叶、圣罗勒、西洋参、Gotu kola、香蜂草、普通和西班牙鼠尾草和留兰香。植物药根据可用的临床疗效数据和当前的安全性进行了讨论。强调了有效性和安全性方面的数据差距,以引起人们对未满足的需求和未来研究的关注。
