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Sounding a Quietening: Breastfeeding Choreographies and the Sonic–Corporeal Dialogue of Maternal Experience
Theatre Research International Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0307883321000079

Let Down (2018) is a practice-as-research (PaR) dance performance that communicates women's experiences of breastfeeding in Northern Ireland, a jurisdiction with one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world, due, in part, to the social stigma attached to breastfeeding in public. Choreographed in collaboration with a composer and social scientists, Let Down is a duet for two lactating women who dance alongside a digitally transposed and augmented soundscape of sonic aspects of maternal experience, and improvise to the live sounds produced by infants in the audience. The work responds to a ‘quietening’ of maternal corporeality in some Western societies through a feminist dramaturgy of sonic disruption that refigures intermedial relations between sound and movement in performance to make unheard experience sensible. Attending to the complex sociopolitical and affective terrain that informed the work's creation, I discuss how a methodology of ‘quietening’ developed during the choreographic process generated space for a dialogue between private and public spheres of experience. I propose that the methodological concept of quietening offers both an alternative approach to choreographies of affect, and a critical framework for questioning representations of socially ‘quietened’ corporealities.



辜负(2018 年)是一项实践即研究 (PaR) 舞蹈表演,旨在传达北爱尔兰女性的母乳喂养经历,北爱尔兰是世界上母乳喂养率最低的司法管辖区之一,部分原因是母乳喂养带来的社会污名公开的;当众。与作曲家和社会科学家合作编排,辜负是两个哺乳期妇女的二重唱,她们与母亲体验的声音方面的数字转换和增强音景一起跳舞,并即兴演奏观众中婴儿产生的现场声音。该作品通过女权主义戏剧性的声音破坏来回应某些西方社会中母性肉体的“平静”,重新塑造声音与表演中的运动之间的中介关系,使闻所未闻的体验变得有意义。关注影响作品创作的复杂社会政治和情感领域,我讨论了在编舞过程中发展出的“平静”方法如何为私人和公共体验领域之间的对话创造空间。我建议安静的方法论概念为情感编排提供了另一种方法,