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Genome wide profiling of miRNAs relevant to the DNA damage response induced by hexavalent chromium exposure (DDR-related miRNAs in response to Cr (VI) exposure)
Environment International ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106782
Li Shi 1 , Lingfang Feng 1 , Yan Tong 2 , Junlin Jia 3 , Tao Li 1 , Jing Wang 1 , Zhaoqiang Jiang 1 , Min Yu 1 , Hailing Xia 1 , Qi Jin 1 , Xiyi Jiang 1 , Yongran Cheng 1 , Li Ju 1 , Jiaqi Liu 1 , Quan Zhang 4 , Jianlin Lou 1


We aimed to explore the expression of miRNAs and their potential roles in the DNA damage response (DDR) induced by Cr (VI) exposure in human B lymphoblast cells (HMy2.CIR cells) and in a population of Cr (VI)-exposed humans. Methods: Differentially expressed miRNAs were found by a combination of miRNA sequencing and RT-qPCR validation in HMy2.CIR cells treated with K2Cr2O7. Differentially expressed miRNAs related to DDR were selected for functional study. The expression levels of differential miRNAs were also investigated in chromate workers. Results: A total of 214 differentially expressed miRNAs were identified by sequencing, and the expression of 5 miRNAs among 25 associated with DDR was found to be consistent between sequencing and validation studies. Functional studies showed that miR-148a-3p, miR-21-5p, and miR-424-3p might be related to Cr (VI)-induced cell apoptosis, and miR-221-3p might participate in Cr (VI)-induced DDR. We also found that the expression of miR-21-5p and miR-424-3p was upregulated in chromate workers. Conclusions: Cr (VI) exposure could significantly impact miRNAs expression in vitro and in chromate workers. Functional studies showed that miR-148a-3p, miR-21-5p and miR-221-3p might take a crucial role in the cellular DDR induced by Cr (VI) exposure.


与六价铬暴露诱导的 DNA 损伤反应相关的 miRNA 的全基因组分析(DDR 相关 miRNA 响应 Cr (VI) 暴露)


我们旨在探索 miRNA 的表达及其在人 B 淋巴母细胞(HMy2.CIR 细胞)和暴露于 Cr (VI) 的人群中 Cr (VI) 暴露诱导的 DNA 损伤反应 (DDR) 中的潜在作用. 方法:在用 K 2 Cr 2 O 7处理的 HMy2.CIR 细胞中,通过 miRNA 测序和 RT-qPCR 验证的组合发现了差异表达的 miRNA 。选择与DDR相关的差异表达的miRNA进行功能研究。还在铬酸盐工人中研究了差异 miRNA 的表达水平。结果:通过测序共鉴定出214个差异表达的miRNA,在测序和验证研究之间发现25个与DDR相关的miRNA中5个miRNA的表达是一致的。 功能研究表明,miR-148a-3p、miR-21-5p和miR-424-3p可能与Cr(VI)诱导的细胞凋亡有关,miR-221-3p可能参与Cr(VI)诱导的细胞凋亡。复员协议。我们还发现 miR-21-5p 和 miR-424-3p 在铬酸盐工人中的表达上调。结论:Cr (VI) 暴露可显着影响体外和铬酸盐工人中miRNA 的表达。功能研究表明,miR-148a-3p、miR-21-5p 和 miR-221-3p 可能在 Cr (VI) 暴露诱导的细胞 DDR 中起关键作用。
