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Effects of a Web-Based Autonomy-Supportive Intervention on Physical Education Teacher Outcomes
Education Sciences Pub Date : 2021-06-24 , DOI: 10.3390/educsci11070316
Henri Tilga , Hanna Kalajas-Tilga , Vello Hein , Lennart Raudsepp , Andre Koka

The current study tested the efficacy of a web-based autonomy-supportive intervention program on changes in physical education (PE) teachers’ self-reports of autonomy support, psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, and teaching efficacy for students’ engagement. In this study, 101 secondary school PE teachers and their 652 students were randomized either to a web-based autonomy-supportive experimental group or to the control group. Manipulation checks indicated that the intervention was effective as students perceived the experimental group PE teachers as more autonomy-supportive and less controlling compared to the control group at the one-month follow-up. In the main analysis, results of the path analysis demonstrated direct effects of the intervention on changes in teachers’ self-reported autonomy-supportive behaviour, and on teaching efficacy for students’ engagement. There were also significant direct effects from changes in autonomy-supportive behaviour on changes in psychological need satisfactions, from psychological need satisfaction on intrinsic motivation, and from intrinsic motivation on teaching efficacy for students’ engagement. Finally, the intervention had an indirect effect on changes in teaching efficacy for students’ engagement via changes in teachers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour, psychological need satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation. These findings provided insight on the effects of a web-based autonomy-supportive intervention for PE teachers on several teachers’ outcomes in the context of PE.



目前的研究测试了基于网络的自主支持干预计划对体育 (PE) 教师自我报告的自主支持、心理需求满意度、内在动机和学生参与的教学效果的变化的有效性。在这项研究中,101 名中学体育教师和他们的 652 名学生被随机分配到基于网络的自主支持实验组或对照组。操作检查表明,干预是有效的,因为在为期一个月的随访中,学生认为实验组体育老师比对照组更支持自主,控制更少。在主要分析中,路径分析的结果证明了干预对教师自我报告的自主支持行为变化的直接影响,以及学生参与的教学效果。自主支持行为的变化对心理需求满足的变化,心理需求满足对内在动机的变化,以及内在动机对学生参与的教学效果的变化也有显着的直接影响。最后,干预通过教师自主支持行为、心理需求满意度和内在动机的变化对学生参与的教学效果的变化产生间接影响。这些发现提供了对体育教师基于网络的自主支持干预对体育背景下几位教师成果的影响的见解。自主支持行为的变化对心理需求满足的变化,心理需求满足对内在动机的变化,以及内在动机对学生参与的教学效果的变化也有显着的直接影响。最后,干预通过教师自主支持行为、心理需求满意度和内在动机的变化对学生参与的教学效果的变化产生间接影响。这些发现提供了对体育教师基于网络的自主支持干预对体育背景下几位教师成果的影响的见解。自主支持行为的变化对心理需求满足的变化,心理需求满足对内在动机的变化,以及内在动机对学生参与的教学效果的变化也有显着的直接影响。最后,干预通过教师自主支持行为、心理需求满意度和内在动机的变化对学生参与的教学效果的变化产生间接影响。这些发现提供了对体育教师基于网络的自主支持干预对体育背景下几位教师成果的影响的见解。干预通过教师自主支持行为、心理需求满意度和内在动机的变化对学生参与的教学效果的变化产生间接影响。这些发现提供了对体育教师基于网络的自主支持干预对体育背景下几位教师成果的影响的见解。干预通过教师自主支持行为、心理需求满意度和内在动机的变化对学生参与的教学效果的变化产生间接影响。这些发现提供了对体育教师基于网络的自主支持干预对体育背景下几位教师成果的影响的见解。