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Moral Grace: On Løgstrup’s Theory of Expressions of Life
Mind Pub Date : 2020-04-19 , DOI: 10.1093/mind/fzaa008
Simon Thornton 1

The ethical thought of the Danish philosopher K.E. Løgstrup (1905-1981) is currently enjoying a revival of interest within Anglophone philosophy.1 In particular, Løgstrup’s signature theory of expressions of life – the theory that some phenomena expressive of human interdependence, such as trust and compassion, are fundamental to our capacity to respond excellently to the needs of others – is receiving increasing attention. This theory represents the culmination of Løgstrup’s ethical thought, but it remained unfinished at the time of his death. Consequently, as Kees van Kooten Niekerk has noted, what we are left with is not a fully articulated and consistent theory, but rather ‘a manifold of specific analyses, which do not always match and sometimes contradict one another’ (Van Kooten Niekerk 2017, p. 187)....


道德恩典:论 Løgstrup 的生命表达理论

丹麦哲学家 KE Løgstrup (1905-1981) 的伦理思想目前在英语哲学中引起了兴趣的复兴。1特别是,Løgstrup 的生命表达的标志性理论——该理论认为一些表达人类相互依赖的现象,如信任和同情,是我们对他人需求做出出色反应的能力的基础——正受到越来越多的关注。这一理论代表了 Løgstrup 伦理思想的顶峰,但在他去世时仍未完成。因此,正如 Kees van Kooten Niekerk 所指出的那样,我们剩下的不是一个完全清晰和一致的理论,而是“一系列具体的分析,这些分析并不总是相互匹配,有时相互矛盾”(Van Kooten Niekerk 2017,第 187 页)...