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Muslim Social Workers and Imams’ Recommendations in Marital and Child Custody Cases of Persons with Intellectual or Mental Disability
The British Journal of Social Work ( IF 2.352 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab137
Badran Leena 1 , Rimmerman Arie 2

Arab society in Israel is undergoing modernisation and secularisation. However, its approach to disability and mental illness is still dominated by religious and traditional stereotypes, as well as folk remedies and community practices. The present study examines differences in Muslim social workers and Imams’ recommendations in marriage/divorce and child custody cases of persons with intellectual disabilities (IDs) or mental illness. The study has two goals: (1) To examine differences in recommendations between Imams and Muslim social workers and (2) to explore variables related to their differential recommendations as observed in their responses to vignettes. Quantitative study using vignettes resembling existing Muslim religious (Sharia) court cases. Muslim social workers (138) and Imams (forty-eight) completed a background questionnaire, a religiosity questionnaire and a questionnaire that included twenty-five vignettes constructed by the researcher based on court rulings, adapted for the study. Muslim social workers tended to consider the religious recommendation when the family of person with ID or mental illness was portrayed in the vignette as religious. The same applied to Imams, albeit to a greater extent. The findings call for raising awareness amongst social workers and academics regarding the importance of religion and tradition in formulating professional recommendations.



以色列的阿拉伯社会正在经历现代化和世俗化。然而,其治疗残疾和精神疾病的方法仍然受到宗教和传统刻板印象以及民间疗法和社区实践的支配。本研究探讨了穆斯林社会工作者和伊玛目在智障 (ID) 或精神疾病者的婚姻/离婚和子女监护案件中的建议的差异。该研究有两个目标:(1)检查伊玛目和穆斯林社会工作者之间的建议差异;(2)探索与他们对小插曲的反应所观察到的差异建议相关的变量。使用类似于现有穆斯林宗教(伊斯兰教法)法庭案件的小插曲进行定量研究。穆斯林社会工作者 (138) 和伊玛目 (48) 完成了背景调查问卷,一份宗教信仰问卷和一份问卷,其中包括研究人员根据法院裁决构建的 25 个小插曲,适用于该研究。当小插图中将患有 ID 或精神疾病的人的家人描述为宗教人士时,穆斯林社会工作者倾向于考虑宗教建议。这同样适用于伊玛目,尽管程度更大。调查结果呼吁提高社会工作者和学者对宗教和传统在制定专业建议中的重要性的认识。当小插图中将患有 ID 或精神疾病的人的家人描述为宗教人士时,穆斯林社会工作者倾向于考虑宗教建议。这同样适用于伊玛目,尽管程度更大。调查结果呼吁提高社会工作者和学者对宗教和传统在制定专业建议中的重要性的认识。当小插图中将患有 ID 或精神疾病的人的家人描述为宗教人士时,穆斯林社会工作者倾向于考虑宗教建议。这同样适用于伊玛目,尽管程度更大。调查结果呼吁提高社会工作者和学者对宗教和传统在制定专业建议中的重要性的认识。