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The 2013 Brussels Agreement and the Political Discourse of the Serbian Leadership: Pro-EU Adaptation with Anti-EU Rhetoric
Europe-Asia Studies ( IF 1.180 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2021.1951670
Nikola Mladenović


With the 2013 Brussels Agreement, Serbia met the EU’s expectations in order to advance its membership bid. However, the Agreement was embedded in anti-EU rhetoric on a domestic level, which included criticising EU mediation and previous actions in the EU integration process. Based on Riker’s rational choice discourse analysis and by using a spatial metaphor of competition, the article attempts to explain this discrepancy. It suggests that Serbian parties deliberately used ambiguous positioning to obscure their actions. In a wider picture, Serbian domestic actors in the Europeanisation process have more complex motives than the literature has suggested so far, and they are neither pure reformers nor reform-adverse.


2013 年布鲁塞尔协议和塞尔维亚领导人的政治话语:亲欧盟适应与反欧盟言论


通过 2013 年布鲁塞尔协议,塞尔维亚满足了欧盟的期望,以推进其成员资格申请。然而,该协议包含在国内层面的反欧盟言论中,其中包括批评欧盟调解和欧盟一体化进程中的先前行动。本文以赖克的理性选择话语分析为基础,运用竞争的空间隐喻,试图解释这种差异。这表明塞尔维亚各方故意使用模棱两可的定位来掩盖他们的行动。从更广泛的角度来看,欧洲化进程中的塞尔维亚国内参与者的动机比迄今为止文献所暗示的要复杂得多,他们既不是纯粹的改革者,也不是改革的反对者。
