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Developing an Empirical Summation Chart on the Distribution of Extension Fractures in Matured Yielding Pillars Using Geophysical Technique and an Optical Instrument
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s42461-021-00459-y
Fhatuwani Sengani 1

The understanding of yielding pillar behavior has been well documented in terms of pillar strength. The behavior has been documented using numerical simulations and empirical formulas. Nevertheless, the understanding of how fracture propagates in a matured yielding pillar is not well established. Indeed, very limited studies have striven to study this behavior using numerical simulation; however, the simulation appears to be a complex method and some models do not present the actual distribution. In this study, geophysical and optical instruments (ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and borescope respectively) were used to establish the distribution of extension fractures across the matured yielding pillar. The GPR survey has shown that the distribution of fractures across the length of the matured yielding pillar differs greatly, with extensive fracturing distributed along the middle section of the pillar; this distribution was observed to propagate to a maximum depth of about 1.7 m. However, the situation on the top and lower section of the pillar differs greatly from the middle section; in these sections, extensive fracturing was observed to propagate to the maximum depth of about 0.5 m, with moderate fracturing occurred from 0.6 to about 1.5 m toward the pillar core while the rest of the pillar is therefore dominated with less fracturing to solid rockmass. Borescope analysis was performed to validate the GPR survey; the results from the borescope analysis correlated with the GPR survey. Based on the GPR and borescope results obtained from several yielding pillars, a summation of the results is therefore presented in a form of an empirical chart categorizing the distribution of fractures along the yielding pillar. It is therefore argued that a developed summation chart of fracture distribution could be utilized to classify the maturity of yielding pillars based on fracturing. Indeed, the developed summation chart is simple to use and does not require complex analysis. It is therefore concluded that the developed summation chart could open more doors in exploring other simple alternative ways of classifying the matured yielding pillars.



就柱强度而言,对屈服柱行为的理解已得到充分证明。已经使用数值模拟和经验公式记录了该行为。然而,关于裂缝如何在成熟的屈服柱中扩展的理解还没有很好地建立起来。事实上,非常有限的研究已经努力使用数值模拟来研究这种行为。然而,模拟似乎是一种复杂的方法,有些模型并没有呈现实际的分布。在这项研究中,地球物理和光学仪器(分别是探地雷达 (GPR) 和管道镜)用于确定成熟屈服柱上延伸裂缝的分布。探地雷达调查表明,成熟的屈服柱长度上的裂缝分布差异很大,沿柱体中段分布大面积裂缝;观察到这种分布传播到约 1.7 m 的最大深度。但是,柱子上下两段的情况与中段大不相同;在这些剖面中,观察到大范围的压裂扩展到最大深度约 0.5 m,在 0.6 至约 1.5 m 处发生中度压裂,朝向支柱核心,而支柱的其余部分则以较少的压裂对固体岩体为主。进行了管道镜分析以验证 GPR 调查;管道镜分析的结果与 GPR 调查相关。基于从几个屈服支柱获得的探地雷达和管道镜结果,因此,结果的总和以经验图表的形式呈现,对沿屈服支柱的裂缝分布进行分类。因此,有人认为可以利用开发的裂缝分布总和图对基于压裂的屈服柱的成熟度进行分类。事实上,开发的求和图使用简单,不需要复杂的分析。因此得出的结论是,开发的总和图可以为探索其他简单的替代方法对成熟的屈服支柱进行分类打开更多的门。开发的求和图使用简单,不需要复杂的分析。因此得出的结论是,开发的总和图可以为探索其他简单的替代方法对成熟的屈服支柱进行分类打开更多的门。开发的求和图使用简单,不需要复杂的分析。因此得出的结论是,开发的总和图可以为探索其他简单的替代方法对成熟的屈服支柱进行分类打开更多的门。
