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Combination of probiotic and prebiotic impacts Salmonella Enteritidis infection in layer hens
Journal of Applied Poultry Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.japr.2021.100200
E.A. Kimminau 1 , T.P. Karnezos 1 , R.D. Berghaus 2 , M.K. Jones 3 , J.A. Baxter 3 , C.L. Hofacre 3

Mitigation of food pathogens such as Salmonella continues to be a focus in poultry production, whether on shell eggs or meat products. No single approach is fully able to eliminate the risk, but rather comprehensive programs are used in a multifaceted approach. Targeted in-feed additives are a component of a food safety program and may help to reduce Salmonella infection. This study was aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a probiotic and prebiotic combination feed-additive product (Fulfill Plus) to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis (S.E.) infection in layer hens. One-hundred and forty-four (144) 1-day-old Hy-line pullets were raised on new litter until 10 wk of age when they were moved into individual cages. There were 3 treatments, 1) Untreated 2) probiotic and prebiotic combination given D 0 to termination, and 3) probiotic and prebiotic combination given Wk 10 to termination. At 17 weeks-of-age each bird was orally challenged with 3 × 106 CFU/bird nalidixic acid resistant strain of S.E. Seven (7) and 14 d postchallenge, ceca and ovaries were aseptically collected and cultured for S.E. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in prevalence and mean cecal S.E. log10 MPN/g were observed between 7 d postinfection compared with 14 d postinfection. Addition of probiotic and prebiotic combination at wk 10 (Treatment 3) significantly (P < 0.05) reduced S.E. numbers in the ceca of these pullets compared to probiotic and prebiotic combination given at D 0 (Treatment 2). Significant differences (P < 0.05) in prevalence and mean ovary S.E. log10 MPN/g were observed with Treatment 2 being significantly lower than Treatment 3.



减轻沙门氏菌等食品病原体仍然是家禽生产的重点,无论是带壳蛋还是肉制品。没有单一的方法能够完全消除风险,而是在多方面的方法中使用综合方案。有针对性的饲料添加剂是食品安全计划的一个组成部分,可能有助于减少沙门氏菌感染。本研究旨在评估益生菌和益生元组合饲料添加剂产品 (Fulfill Plus) 减少肠炎沙门氏菌 ( SE ) 的功效) 蛋鸡感染。一百四十四 (144) 只 1 日龄的 Hy-line 小母鸡在新窝中饲养,直到 10 周龄时它们被移入单独的笼子。有 3 种处理,1) 未处理 2) 益生菌和益生元组合给予 D 0 终止,和 3) 益生菌和益生素组合给予第 10 周终止。在 17 周龄时,每只鸡口服 3 × 10 6 CFU/鸟萘啶酸 SE 七 (7) 株和攻击后14 天,无菌收集盲肠和卵巢并培养 SE 显着差异(P < 0.05) 流行率和平均盲肠 SE log 10与感染后 14 天相比,感染后 7 天观察到 MPN/g。与在第 0 周给予益生菌和益生元组合(处理 2)相比,在第10 周(处理 3)添加益生菌和益生元组合显着(P < 0.05)降低了这些小母鸡盲肠中的 SE 数量。在流行率和平均卵巢 SE log10 MPN/g 方面观察到显着差异 ( P < 0.05),处理 2 显着低于处理 3。
