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Equidistant Linear Codes in Projective Spaces
arXiv - CS - Discrete Mathematics Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: arxiv-2107.10820
Pranab Basu

Linear codes in the projective space $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$, the set of all subspaces of the vector space $\mathbb{F}_q^n$, were first considered by Braun, Etzion and Vardy. The Grassmannian $\mathbb{G}_q(n,k)$ is the collection of all subspaces of dimension $k$ in $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$. We study equidistant linear codes in $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ in this paper and establish that the normalized minimum distance of a linear code is maximum if and only if it is equidistant. We prove that the upper bound on the size of such class of linear codes is $2^n$ when $q=2$ as conjectured by Braun et al. Moreover, the codes attaining this bound are shown to have structures akin to combinatorial objects, viz. \emph{Fano plane} and \emph{sunflower}. We also prove the existence of equidistant linear codes in $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ for any prime power $q$ using \emph{Steiner triple system}. Thus we establish that the problem of finding equidistant linear codes of maximum size in $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ with constant distance $2d$ is equivalent to the problem of finding the largest $d$-intersecting family of subspaces in $\mathbb{G}_q(n, 2d)$ for all $1 \le d \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$. Our discovery proves that there exist equidistant linear codes of size more than $2^n$ for every prime power $q > 2$.



射影空间 $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ 中的线性代码,向量空间 $\mathbb{F}_q^n$ 的所有子空间的集合,首先被 Braun、Etzion 和 Vardy 考虑。Grassmannian $\mathbb{G}_q(n,k)$是$\mathbb{P}_q(n)$中所有$k$维子空间的集合。我们在本文中研究了 $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ 中的等距线性代码,并确定线性代码的归一化最小距离最大当且仅当它是等距的。我们证明,当 $q=2$ 时,此类线性代码的大小上限为 $2^n$,如 Braun 等人的推测。此外,达到这个界限的代码被证明具有类似于组合对象的结构,即。\emph{Fano 平面} 和 \emph{向日葵}。我们还使用\emph{Steiner 三元组}证明了在$\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ 中对于任何素数幂$q$ 存在等距线性代码。因此,我们确定在 $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ 中找到最大尺寸的等距线性代码的问题等价于在 $\mathbb{P}_q(n)$ 中找到最大的 $d$-相交子空间族的问题$\mathbb{G}_q(n, 2d)$ 对于所有 $1 \le d \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$。我们的发现证明,对于每个素数幂 $q > 2$,都存在大小超过 $2^n$ 的等距线性代码。2d)$ 对于所有 $1 \le d \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$。我们的发现证明,对于每个素数幂 $q > 2$,都存在大小超过 $2^n$ 的等距线性代码。2d)$ 对于所有 $1 \le d \le \lfloor \frac{n}{2}\rfloor$。我们的发现证明,对于每个素数幂 $q > 2$,都存在大小超过 $2^n$ 的等距线性代码。