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Design of Structural Parameters of Cutters for Tea Harvest Based on Biomimetic Methodology
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-23 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/8798299
Zhe Du 1, 2 , Yongguang Hu 2 , Yongzong Lu 2 , Jing Pang 1 , Xinping Li 1

Owing to their sharp teeth, crickets can eat through new shoots of the stalks of tea plants. Inspired by the special geometrical structure of the teeth of crickets, this study designed a biomimetic cutter to reduce the force and energy required to cut the stalks of tea plants. Therefore, four biomimetic cutters were considered: a, b, c, and d. Cutter a was a traditional cutter used for comparison with the other three cutters, which were biomimetic. The cutters were manufactured using 3D printing technology and assessed by a texture tester at different loading speeds (5, 10, and 15 mm/s, respectively). The results show that cutter c delivered better performance compared to cutter a at loading speeds of 5, 10, and 15 mm/s, respectively. However, at 15 mm/s loading speed, the maximum cutting forces required for cutters b and c were 9.43% and 6.04% lower, respectively, than that for cutter a (9.021 N). Similarly, the energies consumed by cutters b and c were 13.8% and 4.24% lower than that consumed by cutter a (1.225 J). In addition, cutter c delivered the best results compared to others. Based on the study results, it was concluded that the biomimetic cutters can thus help to optimize the tea harvest.



由于它们锋利的牙齿,蟋蟀可以吃掉茶树茎的新芽。受蟋蟀牙齿特殊几何结构的启发,这项研究设计了一种仿生切割器,以减少切割茶树茎所需的力和能量。因此,考虑四种仿生切割器:abcd。刀具a是一种传统刀具,用于与其他三个仿生刀具进行比较。刀具是使用 3D 打印技术制造的,并由质地测试仪以不同的加载速度(分别为 5、10 和 15 毫米/秒)进行评估。结果表明,与刀具相比,刀具c提供了更好的性能a在加载速度分别为 5、10 和 15 mm/s 时。然而,在 15 mm/s 的加载速度下,刀具bc所需的最大切削力分别比刀具a (9.021 N)低 9.43% 和 6.04% 。同样,刀具bc消耗的能量比刀具a (1.225 J)消耗的能量低 13.8% 和 4.24% 。此外,与其他刀具相比,刀具c提供了最好的结果。根据研究结果,得出的结论是,仿生切割器可以帮助优化茶叶收获。