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Trading and weighing metals in Bronze Age Western Eurasia [Anthropology]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 11.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2110552118
Helle Vandkilde 1

The Bronze Age weight systems article (1) uniquely unveils Western Eurasia as a vast marketplace made by private merchants in 3000 to 1000 BC. Hypotheses spring from macroeconomic concepts such as market equilibrium, prices, and self-regulation. The demonstrated long-term spread of weighing technology from a common Mesopotamian source, beginning ca. 3000 BC, enables tracing directional trading ventures along the coastlands of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic façade as far as Britain and Scandinavia. Evidently, seafarers navigated the length or regional waters of the Mediterranean Sea from early on, and at some point prior to 1200 BC they steered north into the Atlantic Sea. An inland cluster in central Europe ca. 1500 to 1200 BC likely instead relied on riverine and transalpine movements and thus an alternative route to the Mediterranean, as I shall return to below.



青铜时代体重系统文章 ( 1 ) 独特地揭示了西欧亚大陆是一个由私人商人在公元前 3000 年至 1000 年建立的广阔市场。假设源于宏观经济概念,例如市场均衡、价格和自我调节。从美索不达米亚共同源称重技术,开始的证明长期流传CA。公元前 3000 年,可以追踪沿地中海沿岸和大西洋外墙直至英国和斯堪的纳维亚半岛的定向贸易企业。显然,海员从早期就在地中海的长度或区域水域航行,在公元前 1200 年之前的某个时间点,他们向北驶入大西洋。在欧洲中部内陆集群CA. 公元前 1500 年至 1200 年可能转而依赖河流和跨高山运动,因此是通往地中海的替代路线,我将回到下文。