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Plant naturalization trends reflect socioeconomic history and show a high likelihood of inter-island spread in Hawai‘i
Invasive Plant Science and Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-09 , DOI: 10.1017/inp.2021.18
Kelsey C. Brock , Curtis C. Daehler

The composition of nonnative floras is influenced by a region’s socioeconomic history, yet rarely are these factors studied alongside plant naturalization rates over time. Such information is especially critical for archipelagos, which often host large numbers of nonnative plants and would benefit from prevention of inter-island spread. We compiled the first record of occurrence and first record of naturalization for all naturalized plants in Hawai‘i alongside data on their origin, native climate types, taxonomy, and likely introduction pathway and compared rates of naturalization with socioeconomic trends. We found that the rate of total plant naturalizations has increased at a roughly constant rate during the past century without any sign of plateauing. However, this relatively steady increase is underlain by notable fluctuations in naturalization rates for different introduction pathways, with ornamentals increasing recently, while agriculture-related plants have decreased. Furthermore, this trend mirrors a shift from an agriculture-dominated economy to a tourism-based one associated with increases in both resident and tourist populations as well as general economic well-being. We further found that the average naturalized species spreads at a rate of 1.86 islands per decade, eventually occupying most major islands in the archipelago, and the rate of spread appears to be increasing since Hawai‘i’s economic shift. Our findings also emphasize the diversity of Hawai‘i’s nonnative flora, which originates from a variety of climates, continents, and taxonomic groups. We demonstrated that many nonnative species have native ranges that include temperate climates, which is important, because these climates typically co-occur with higher-elevation, remnant patches of native-dominated ecosystems in Hawai‘i. This study reveals trends that may help predict a species’ ability to naturalize and spread within and between islands, and we discuss management implications that may be extended to other regions.



非本地植物区系的组成受一个地区的社会经济历史的影响,但随着时间的推移,这些因素很少与植物归化率一起研究。此类信息对于群岛尤其重要,这些群岛通常拥有大量非本地植物,并且将受益于防止岛屿间传播。我们汇编了夏威夷所有归化植物的首次出现记录和首次归化记录,以及它们的起源、原生气候类型、分类学和可能的引入途径的数据,并将归化率与社会经济趋势进行了比较。我们发现,在过去的一个世纪中,植物总归化率以大致恒定的速度增长,没有任何平稳的迹象。然而,这种相对稳定的增长是由于不同引入途径的入籍率显着波动,最近观赏植物增加,而与农业有关的植物减少。此外,这一趋势反映了从以农业为主导的经济向以旅游业为基础的经济转变,这与居民和旅游人口的增加以及总体经济福利有关。我们进一步发现,平均归化物种以每十年 1.86 个岛屿的速度扩散,最终占据了群岛中的大多数主要岛屿,并且自夏威夷经济转变以来,扩散速度似乎正在增加。我们的研究结果还强调了夏威夷非本土植物群的多样性,这些植物群起源于各种气候、大陆和分类群。我们证明了许多非本地物种的本地范围包括温带气候,这很重要,因为这些气候通常与夏威夷的高海拔、本地主导生态系统的残余斑块共同发生。这项研究揭示了可能有助于预测物种在岛屿内和岛屿之间归化和传播的能力的趋势,我们讨论了可能扩展到其他地区的管理影响。