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Transforming a Simple Structure Model to Represent a Complex Dynamic System with Unknown Boundary Restraints
Experimental Techniques ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s40799-021-00494-w
J. Woodall 1 , M. Hossain 2 , A. Maji 3 , F. Moreu 4

Imposing a boundary condition on a structure can significantly alter its dynamic properties. However, sometimes the specifics of the new boundary conditions are not known. When the effects of a boundary condition are uncertain or there is not enough information, engineers need to excite the complex structure to obtain these modified properties. In order to experimentally obtain the new properties, engineers need multiple experiments and many outputs for interpolation in order to sufficiently represent the entire structure. The researchers attached a stinger to a cantilever beam, acting as a new transverse restraint of unknown properties. This paper presents a conversion expression that predicts the dynamic behavior of any point in the system with the new boundary condition. This expression relies only on one impact hammer experiment with one output and the model of the stinger-free cantilever beam, referred to as the simple structure. Researchers estimated the Transfer Function (TRF) of the beam and compared it with an experimentally measured TRF to validate the method. The mean absolute error of the estimated TRF compared to the experimental TRF is 1.99 dB. This demonstrates the use of the proposed method for estimating unmeasured TRFs in a system with an uncertain boundary condition using a single input, single output (SISO) test and a model of the simple structure.



对结构施加边界条件可以显着改变其动态特性。然而,有时不知道新边界条件的细节。当边界条件的影响不确定或没有足够的信息时,工程师需要激发复杂的结构以获得这些修改后的属性。为了通过实验获得新属性,工程师需要进行多次实验和多次插值输出,以充分表示整个结构。研究人员在悬臂梁上安装了一个毒刺,作为一种新的未知特性的横向约束。本文提出了一个转换表达式,该表达式可以预测具有新边界条件的系统中任意点的动态行为。该表达式仅依赖于一个输出的冲击锤实验和无毒刺悬臂梁的模型,称为简单结构。研究人员估计了光束的传递函数 (TRF),并将其与实验测量的 TRF 进行比较以验证该方法。与实验 TRF 相比,估计 TRF 的平均绝对误差为 1.99 dB。这演示了使用所提出的方法在具有不确定边界条件的系统中使用单输入单输出 (SISO) 测试和简单结构模型来估计未测量的 TRF。与实验 TRF 相比,估计 TRF 的平均绝对误差为 1.99 dB。这演示了使用所提出的方法在具有不确定边界条件的系统中使用单输入单输出 (SISO) 测试和简单结构模型来估计未测量的 TRF。与实验 TRF 相比,估计 TRF 的平均绝对误差为 1.99 dB。这演示了使用所提出的方法在具有不确定边界条件的系统中使用单输入单输出 (SISO) 测试和简单结构模型来估计未测量的 TRF。
