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An Empirical Assessment of the Intrusiveness and Reasonableness of Emerging Work Surveillance Technologies in the Public Sector
Public Administration Review ( IF 8.144 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-21 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13325

In Charbonneau and Doberstein (2020), the following corrections by the authors were not made before the publication of the Version of Record. The corrections have now been made; a list of each correction is included below.
  • On page 780, the word ‘wait’ has been deleted and the text ‘of users waiting for public services’ has been inserted in the second sentence of the first paragraph (left column).
  • On page 781, the text ‘than as customers’ has been inserted at the end of the second sentence of the second full paragraph (left column). And the text ‘types of’ should be inserted and the text ‘dimensions of’ should be changed to ‘in’ at the last sentence of the third full paragraph (right column).
  • On page 782, the reference citation ‘(Ankabi 2017)’ in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph under subsection ‘Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) in Workplaces’ should be corrected to ‘(Akanbi 2017)’.
  • On page 784, the text ‘Closed-circuit televisions’ have been inserted before ‘(CCTVs)’ at the first sentence of the second paragraph under ‘Surveillance Technologies in the Workplace’ subsection. And the second sentence ‘The dimension we focus on is surveillance for two vivid examples of public servants with (typically) higher and lower appreciation among the public, a social worker ((Fukuyama 2013 and a government tax agent (Tummers et al. 2015).’ under the subsection Study Design should be corrected.
  • On page 785, the text ‘original’ and ‘of surveyed Americans’ should be inserted before and after the word ‘results’ at the first sentence of the paragraph after Table 1.
  • On page 789, the word ‘it’ before and after the word ‘allows’ in the third sentence of the first paragraph under Conclusion section should be corrected to ‘technology’ and ‘surveillance’ respectively. And the text ‘do it’ in the fourth sentence of the same section should be changed ‘surveil workers’.
  • In the References section, the following references should have been added:

    • Akanbi, Opeyemi. 2017. New Media, Work Boundaries, and Privacy. International Journal of Communication 11: 4769–4782.
    • Blasina, Robert B. 2007. Video Surveillance and the Employment Relationship. The Advocate 65(4): 447–478.
    • Ciocchetti, Corey A. 2011. The Eavesdropping Employer: A Twenty-First Century Framework for Employee Monitoring. American Business Law Journal 48(2): 285–369.

These have been corrected in the online version.



在 Charbonneau 和 Doberstein ( 2020 ) 中,作者在版本记录发布之前未进行以下更正。现已作出更正;下面列出了每项更正的清单。
  • 在第 780 页上,“等待”一词已被删除,并在第一段(左栏)的第二句中插入了“用户等待公共服务”的文本。
  • 在页 781 上,文本“比作为客户”已插入到第二个完整段落(左列)的第二个句子的末尾。并且在第三个完整段落(右栏)的最后一句应插入文本“类型”,并将文本“尺寸”更改为“输入”。
  • 在第 782 页上,“工作场所的电子性能监控 (EPM)”小节下第 2 段最后一句中的参考引用“(Ankabi 2017)”应更正为“(Akanbi 2017)”。
  • 在第 784 页上,在“工作场所的监控技术”小节下第二段第一句的“(CCTV)”之前插入了“闭路电视”文本。而第二句“我们关注的维度是对两个生动的例子的监视,这些公务员在公众中(通常)具有较高和较低的赞赏度,一名社会工作者((Fukuyama 2013 和政府税务代理人)(Tummers et al. 2015) .' 在小节研究设计下应该更正。
  • 在第 785 页上,应在表 1 之后的段落第一句的“结果”一词前后插入文本“原始”和“被调查的美国人”。
  • 在第 789 页上,“结论”部分下第一段第三句中“允许”一词前后的“它”应分别更正为“技术”和“监视”。并且同一节第四句中的“do it”应该改为“surveil workers”。
  • 在参考文献部分,应添加以下参考文献:

    • 阿坎比,欧佩米。2017. 新媒体、工作边界和隐私。国际传播杂志11:4769-4782。
    • Blasina, Robert B. 2007。视频监控和雇佣关系。倡导者65(4):447-478。
    • Ciocchetti, Corey A. 2011。窃听雇主:21 世纪员工监控框架。美国商法杂志48(2): 285–369。

