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Ceuta: The Humanitarian and the Fortress EUrope
Antipode ( IF 4.246 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-21 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12758
Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena 1

Ceuta, a Spanish city and former colonial enclave in North Africa, is a key place in the construction of the European Union’s external borders. Over the last 30 years, border governance dynamics have developed in this city, marked by the imbrication of security dynamics and humanitarianism. This paper analyses, from a historical and ethnographic point of view, the development of practices, forms of knowledge and institutions shaped by the joint action of securitarian and humanitarian actors. Particular attention is paid to the development of humanitarian reception institutions, especially the CETI (Centro de Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes—Centre for the Temporary Stay of Immigrants), and humanitarian practices that reinforce the border government’s capacity for control and filtering.



休达是西班牙的一座城市,曾是北非的殖民飞地,是欧盟外部边界建设的关键地点。在过去的 30 年里,这座城市的边境治理动态不断发展,其特点是安全动态和人道主义的融合。本文从历史和民族志的角度分析了由安全主义和人道主义行动者的联合行动塑造的实践、知识形式和制度的发展。特别关注人道主义接待机构的发展,特别是 CETI(Centro de Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes——移民临时居留中心),以及加强边境政府控制和过滤能力的人道主义实践。