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Rehearsal of the Apocalypse: Christians of the Post-Soviet Regions about Covid-19
International Journal of Public Theology Pub Date : 2021-07-13 , DOI: 10.1163/15697320-12341656
Alexander Belyaev 1 , Yulia Matushanskaya 2

The Covid-19 pandemic has confronted the global religious community with the need to review the traditions and practices that have developed over the centuries. It has clearly shown that apocalyptic literature and its ideas are closely related to the context of this crisis. The former Soviet regions are no exception to this tendency. The connection between Covid-19 and the Revelation of John has become a point of discussion in different kinds of media. The purpose of this article is to analyze the representative views of various Christian confessions within the post-Soviet region. The intention is to identify an appropriate hermeneutical paradigm. There are four basic hermeneutical schools of interpretation of the apocalypse – the preterist, historicist, idealist and futurist. What is emphasized in the experience of post-Soviet Christians is the idealistic and/or futuristic. Covid-19 is perceived as a rehearsal of the apocalypse.


启示录的排练:后苏联地区的基督徒关于 Covid-19

Covid-19 大流行使全球宗教界面临着审查几个世纪以来发展起来的传统和做法的需要。它清楚地表明,世界末日文学及其思想与这场危机的背景密切相关。前苏联地区也不例外。Covid-19 与约翰启示录之间的联系已成为各种媒体的讨论焦点。本文的目的是分析后苏联地区各种基督教信仰的代表性观点。目的是确定一个适当的解释学范式。世界末日的解释有四种基本的解释学流派——过去派、历史派、理想派和未来派。后苏联基督徒的经历强调的是理想主义和/或未来主义。Covid-19 被认为是世界末日的预演。
