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Exploring different types of school refusers through latent profile analysis and school-related stress associations
Science Progress ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-20 , DOI: 10.1177/00368504211029464
Carolina Gonzálvez 1 , Ricardo Sanmartín 1 , María Vicent 1 , José Manuel García-Fernández 1

Children experience significant number of stressful situations at school during their academic years. The aims of this study were to identify school refusers groups of children through latent profile analysis and to test their associations with school-related sources and manifestation of stress. Data were obtained from 755 schoolchildren (8–11 years) from public and private schools of Alicante and Murcia (Spain), using the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised (SRAS-R) and the School Situation Survey (SSS). In general, positive and statistically significant correlations were identified between school refusal behavior and school-related sources and manifestations of stress. School refusers groups were derived from the combination of high and low scores in the four functional conditions assessed by the SRAS-R. “Low School Refusal Behavior Profile,”“School Refusal Behavior by Positive Reinforcement Profile” and “Mixed School Refusal Behavior Profile” were identified. The percentages of children within these profiles were 47.7%, 46.6%, and 5.7%, respectively. The Mixed School Refusal Behavior Profile was the group with the highest average scores in the school-related stress factors. In contrast, the group with the lowest mean scores was the Low School Refusal Behavior Profile. By comparing the Low School Refusal Behavior Profile with the Mixed School Refusal Behavior Profile, the largest effect sizes were found. Findings are discussed from a socio-ecological perspective considering the school context conditions as key elements in the development of school refusal behaviors.



孩子们在学年期间在学校会经历大量的压力情况。本研究的目的是通过潜在概况分析来识别拒绝上学的儿童群体,并测试他们与学校相关来源和压力表现的关联。使用学校拒绝评估量表修订版 (SRAS-R) 和学校情况调查 (SSS),从阿利坎特和穆尔西亚(西班牙)公立和私立学校的 755 名学童(8-11 岁)获得数据。一般来说,拒绝上学行为与学校相关的压力来源和表现之间存在正相关且具有统计显着性的相关性。拒绝上学的群体是根据 SRAS-R 评估的四种功能状况的高分和低分组合得出的。确定了“低度拒学行为概况”、“正强化拒学行为概况”和“混合拒学行为概况”。这些档案中儿童的比例分别为 47.7%、46.6% 和 5.7%。混合拒绝学校行为概况是与学校相关的压力因素中平均得分最高的群体。相比之下,平均分数最低的组是“低度拒绝学校行为档案”。通过将低度拒绝学校行为概况与混合拒绝学校行为概况进行比较,发现了最大的效应量。从社会生态学角度对研究结果进行了讨论,将学校环境条件视为拒绝上学行为发展的关键因素。
