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Populism, Religion, and Social Media in Central America
The International Journal of Press/Politics ( IF 4.495 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1177/19401612211032884
Ignacio Siles 1 , Erica Guevara 2 , Larissa Tristán-Jiménez 1 , Carolina Carazo 1

This paper analyzes how presidential candidates Fabricio Alvarado and Nayib Bukele used Facebook during the elections in Costa Rica (2018) and El Salvador (2019) respectively to develop a particular style of communication that blended populist elements and religious discourse. This style of communication extended traditional modes of populism that have prevailed in Latin America since the turn of the century (emphasizing the notion of the hero who comes to rescue “the people”) but expressed them in an explicitly religious way (stressing the role of a “messiah” who comes to alter the established political order). We conducted both content and multimodal discourse analyses of 838 posts made by these candidates on Facebook during their respective electoral campaigns. We argue that the study of these campaigns would be incomplete without accounting for the relationship between populism, religion, and social media. While populism gave political validity to religious discourse, a religious imaginary provided populism with charismatic and messianic authority. This populist/religious reason found an ideal expression in Facebook and, simultaneously, was resignified by this platform's affordances. In this way, we assess how fundamentalist Christianity has become a legitimating force of knowledge and politics in the context of epistemic tensions that shape contemporary Latin-American societies.



本文分析了总统候选人 Fabricio Alvarado 和 Nayib Bukele 在哥斯达黎加(2018 年)和萨尔瓦多(2019 年)选举期间分别如何使用 Facebook 开发一种融合了民粹主义元素和宗教话语的特定交流方式。这种交流方式扩展了自世纪之交以来在拉丁美洲盛行的传统民粹主义模式(强调拯救“人民”的英雄的概念),但以明确的宗教方式表达它们(强调来改变既定政治秩序的“弥赛亚”)。我们对这些候选人在各自的竞选活动期间在 Facebook 上发布的 838 个帖子进行了内容和多模态话语分析。我们认为,如果不考虑民粹主义、宗教和社交媒体之间的关系,对这些运动的研究将是不完整的。虽然民粹主义赋予宗教话语政治有效性,但宗教想象为民粹主义提供了魅力和弥赛亚权威。这种民粹主义/宗教原因在 Facebook 中找到了理想的表达方式,同时也被该平台的可供性所取代。通过这种方式,我们评估了原教旨主义基督教如何在塑造当代拉丁美洲社会的认知紧张的背景下成为知识和政治的合法力量。这种民粹主义/宗教原因在 Facebook 中找到了理想的表达方式,同时也被该平台的可供性所取代。通过这种方式,我们评估了原教旨主义基督教如何在塑造当代拉丁美洲社会的认知紧张的背景下成为知识和政治的合法力量。这种民粹主义/宗教原因在 Facebook 中找到了理想的表达方式,同时也被该平台的可供性所取代。通过这种方式,我们评估了原教旨主义基督教如何在塑造当代拉丁美洲社会的认知紧张的背景下成为知识和政治的合法力量。
