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Against Uniformity: Gournay’s Philosophy of Language and Literature
Early Modern French Studies Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1080/20563035.2021.1924006
John Conley 1

Marie de Gournay’s defense of figurative language and her attack on the purified language championed by the neoclassical Parisian establishment is a political as well as aesthetic polemic. The neoclassical ideal of clear, concise speech not only impoverishes language through its animus toward the use of metaphor; it assaults human subjectivity by suppressing the expression of rare emotional states through idiosyncratic symbols. The effort to impose a uniform, chastened national language is condemned as a species of cultural hegemony, in which individual and regional variations on the vernacular are suppressed.



Marie de Gournay 对比喻语言的辩护和她对巴黎新古典主义建制派所倡导的纯净语言的攻击是一场政治和美学的论战。清晰简洁的演讲的新古典主义理想不仅通过其对隐喻使用的敌意而使语言变得贫乏;它通过特殊符号抑制罕见情绪状态的表达来攻击人类的主观性。强加一种统一的、受过约束的民族语言的努力被谴责为一种文化霸权,在这种霸权中,白话的个体和地区差异被压制。
