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The network of stress-related states and depression and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown
Journal of Affective Disorders ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.07.019
Asle Hoffart 1 , Sverre Urnes Johnson 1 , Omid V Ebrahimi 1


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the social distancing protocols used to impede the spread of the virus may have severe mental health consequences. The purpose of this study was to investigate the network of components of pandemic-related negative psychological states (i.e., fear of infection, financial worries, loneliness) and symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).


Data from 10,061 Norwegian adults recruited through an online survey during a period of strict social distancing protocols were analyzed by cross-sectional network methods.


Of the infection fears, fear of being infected, fear of dying from the coronavirus and fear of significant others dying from it had notable connections to the GAD symptoms anxiety and/or fear of awful events. The financial worry component worry about personal economy was connected to the MDD symptom sleep problems and to the GAD symptom generalized worry. Each of the loneliness components was connected to a specific MDD symptom. Depressed mood, low energy and worthlessness had the highest strength centrality among the MDD symptoms; generalized worry, uncontrollability of worry, and trouble relaxing among the GAD symptoms; fear of dying from the virus among the fear of infection components; and feeling isolated among the loneliness components.


Full random sampling was not conducted, although the sample turned out to be relatively representative of the Norwegian population.


Some components of the pandemic-related distressing states of fear of infection, financial worry and loneliness seem to be associated with specific symptoms of MDD and GAD.


COVID-19 封锁期间与压力相关的状态以及抑郁和焦虑症状的网络


冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 大流行和用于阻止病毒传播的社交距离协议可能会对心理健康造成严重后果。本研究的目的是调查与流行病相关的消极心理状态(即害怕感染、财务担忧、孤独)以及重度抑郁症 (MDD) 和广泛性焦虑症 (GAD) 症状的组成网络。


通过横截面网络方法分析了在严格的社会疏远协议期间通过在线调查招募的 10,061 名挪威成年人的数据。


对感染的恐惧、对被感染的恐惧、对死于冠状病毒的恐惧以及对重要的其他人死于冠状病毒的恐惧与 GAD 症状焦虑和/或对可怕事件的恐惧有着显着的联系。对个人经济的财务担忧部分与 MDD 症状睡眠问题和 GAD 症状普遍担忧有关。每个孤独感成分都与特定的 MDD 症状相关。抑郁情绪、低能量和无价值感在 MDD 症状中具有最高的强度中心性;GAD 症状中的普遍性忧虑、无法控制的忧虑和放松困难;对感染的恐惧成分中对死于病毒的恐惧;并在孤独成分中感到孤立。




与大流行相关的对感染的恐惧、财务担忧和孤独的痛苦状态的某些组成部分似乎与 MDD 和 GAD 的特定症状有关。
