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Transpinay: Genealogy of a term
Sexualities ( IF 1.524 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-19 , DOI: 10.1177/13634607211024563
Emmanuel David 1

This article provides a genealogical analysis of the Philippine category “transpinay,” a compound word combining “trans” and “pinay.” It traces the coining of the term by trans activists in the first decade of the 21st century and examines the ways in which the term gained its currency by drawing out distinctions between gender and sexuality categories. The article investigates what the category includes and what the category excludes, and examines disputes over the term’s categorical boundaries. Overall, the article aims not to determine what the term transpinay is, but rather investigates what the term does and how it came to be.



本文提供了菲律宾类别“transpinay”的谱系分析,这是一个结合“trans”和“pinay”的复合词。它追溯了跨性别活动家在 21 世纪第一个十年中创造该术语的过程,并研究了该术语通过区分性别和性类别之间的区别而获得流行的方式。这篇文章调查了该类别包括什么以及该类别不包括什么,并检查了有关该术语的类别边界的争议。总的来说,本文的目的不是确定术语 transpinay 是什么,而是研究该术语的作用以及它是如何产生的。
