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Egocentric Distance Perception Disorder in Amblyopia.
Psychologica Belgica ( IF 1.717 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.5334/pb.1038
Bo Dong 1 , Airui Chen 1 , Tianyang Zhang 2 , Ming Zhang 1, 3

Egocentric distance perception is a psychological process in which observers use various depth cues to estimate the distance between a target and themselves. The impairment of basic visual function and treatment of amblyopia have been well documented. However, the disorder of egocentric distance perception of amblyopes is poorly understood. In this review, we describe the cognitive mechanism of egocentric distance perception, and then, we focus on empirical evidence for disorders in egocentric distance perception for amblyopes in the whole visual space. In the personal space (within 2 m), it is difficult for amblyopes to show normal hand-eye coordination; in the action space (within 2 m~30 m), amblyopes cannot accurately judge the distance of a target suspended in the air. Few studies have focused on the performance of amblyopes in the vista space (more than 30 m). Finally, five critical topics for future research are discussed: 1) it is necessary to systematically explore the mechanism of egocentric distance perception in all three spaces; 2) the laws of egocentric distance perception in moving objects for amblyopes should be explored; and 3) the comparison of three subtypes of amblyopia is still insufficient; 4) study the perception of distance under another theoretical framework; 5) explore the mechanisms of amblyopia by Virtual Reality.



以自我为中心的距离感知是一种心理过程,在这个过程中,观察者使用各种深度线索来估计目标与自己之间的距离。基本视觉功能的损害和弱视的治疗已被充分证明。然而,人们对弱视的自我中心距离知觉障碍知之甚少。在这篇综述中,我们描述了以自我为中心的距离知觉的认知机制,然后,我们重点关注整个视觉空间中弱视的以自我为中心的距离知觉障碍的经验证据。在个人空间(2m以内),弱视患者很难表现出正常的手眼协调能力;在动作空间(2m~30m内),弱视者无法准确判断悬浮在空中的目标的距离。很少有研究关注弱视在远景空间(超过 30 m)中的表现。最后,讨论了未来研究的五个关键主题:1)有必要系统地探索所有三个空间中以自我为中心的距离感知机制;2)探索弱视患者以自我为中心的距离感知规律;3)弱视三个亚型的比较仍然不足;4)研究另一种理论框架下的距离感知;5)通过虚拟现实探索弱视的机制。2)探索弱视患者以自我为中心的距离感知规律;3)弱视三个亚型的比较仍然不足;4)研究另一种理论框架下的距离感知;5)通过虚拟现实探索弱视的机制。2)探索弱视患者以自我为中心的距离感知规律;3)弱视三个亚型的比较仍然不足;4)研究另一种理论框架下的距离感知;5)通过虚拟现实探索弱视的机制。