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Accounting for General Anesthesia: A Pre-Op Primer and Post-Op Factor.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20210422-01
Benjamin Kornfeld , Bridget M. Wild

Infants and young children are in a period of rapid neurodevelopment, making them more vulnerable to neurotoxic agents. A topic of much debate is how persistent and pervasive cognitive delays are for children exposed to anesthesia at a young age. The US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in late 2016 calling for providers to share information about such risks with families before any medical interventions requiring use of anesthetics. This article offers the pediatric generalist some background on the warning and tips for counseling families before a procedure as well as reminders for surveilling beyond a procedure. [Pediatr Ann. 2021;50(5):e187-e189.].



婴幼儿正处于神经发育快速时期,这使他们更容易受到神经毒剂的侵害。一个备受争议的话题是,对于年轻时接触麻醉的儿童来说,认知延迟是如何持续和普遍存在的。美国食品和药物管理局于 2016 年底发出警告,呼吁提供者在进行任何需要使用麻醉剂的医疗干预之前与家人分享有关此类风险的信息。本文为儿科全科医生提供了一些关于在手术前咨询家人的警告和技巧的背景,以及在手术后进行监测的提醒。[小儿安。2021;50(5):e187-e189.]。