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A Question of Personal Status
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.815 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7490967
Nelia Hyndman-Rizk

abstract:Amid an enduring political deadlock in Parliament, the first civil marriage contracted in Lebanon in 2013 received significant media coverage in a country where the personal status law of eighteen recognized religious sects governs marriage. This case study examines the debate on civil marriage reform and the implications for women's rights in Lebanon. For advocates, the recognition of civil marriage legalizes interreligious marriages, strengthens secular citizenship, shifts the jurisdiction of marriage from religious to civil law, and ensures women's rights. Opponents, meanwhile, fear the loss of religious autonomy, the transformation of self-identification in Lebanon from sect to nation, and the destabilization of the confessional system. To date, civil marriage reform has been incremental, given clerical and social opposition, but the winds of change are blowing as couples increasingly take matters into their own hands to reform Lebanon's system of personal status from the ground up.



摘要:在议会持续的政治僵局中,2013 年在黎巴嫩缔结的首例公证婚姻得到了媒体的大量报道,该国的婚姻由 18 个公认的宗教教派的个人身份法管辖。本案例研究探讨了关于民事婚姻改革的辩论及其对黎巴嫩妇女权利的影响。对于倡导者来说,承认民事婚姻使宗教间婚姻合法化,加强了世俗公民身份,将婚姻的管辖权从宗教法转变为民法,并确保了妇女的权利。与此同时,反对者担心宗教自治的丧失、黎巴嫩从教派到民族的自我认同的转变以及教派制度的不稳定。迄今为止,公证婚姻改革一直是渐进式的,但受到宗教和社会的反对,