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Cover Art Concept
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.815 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7273857
Ellen McLarney

T he versatile multimedia artwork by Jordanian Hilda Hiary weaves texts, words, script, and letters into color and image, and color and image into text. She createsmultiplanarworks of bodies andbooks, languages, and images.Herart includes books that arepaintings andpaintings that read like books.Thepainting featured on the cover of this issue has writing on the face, mind, body, and garments, with the woman (orman?)holding theArabic letterh _ aʾ close to her (his?) heart.Thepainting reminds us how texts write the scripts that our bodies perform but also how our bodies can rewrite those scripts andperform themanew, evenaswehold themclose. On the head is written a fragment of a Rumi poem: “Love is found in every religion, but love itself has no religion.” Is it an image of Rumi in his turban? Or is it a young woman in a headscarf, adorned in color? They are one, perhaps, joined by the poetry etched into the pattern embroidered on fabric, worn on the head, and held close to theheart.The fragment of theRumipoemechoes the famous Ibn ʿArabi lines: “I profess the religion of love. . . . That is the belief, the faith I keep.” These words are so germane for our time, an era permeated by fear and hate kept alive by misinformation, misperceptions, and the heartbreaking absence of truth. The figure, holding the letter h _ aʾ for h _ ubb (love) close to her (his?) heart, reminds us of the ethos of poets and lovers: that religion is love and love religion. As both Rumi and Ibn ʿArabi point out, it is as much a Christian as a Jewish as a Muslim as a pagan precept (“Love thyneighbor. . . .There is no greater commandment”).Hiary reminds us through poetry and color to hold love close to our hearts and to infuse our words and writings with love.



Jordanian Hilda Hiary 的多功能多媒体艺术作品将文本、文字、脚本和字母编织成颜色和图像,将颜色和图像编织成文本。她创造了身体和书籍、语言和图像的多平面作品。赫拉特包括绘画书籍和读起来像书一样的绘画。本期封面上的绘画有写在脸上、思想、身体和衣服上的女人(orman?)将阿拉伯字母 _ aʾ 靠近她(他?)的心。这幅画提醒我们文本如何编写我们身体执行的脚本,以及我们的身体如何重写这些脚本并执行新的脚本,即使我们将它们关闭。头上写着鲁米诗的片段:“爱存在于每个宗教中,但爱本身没有宗教。” 是戴着头巾的鲁米的形象吗?或者是一个戴着头巾的年轻女子,用颜色装饰?或许,它们是由蚀刻在织物上、戴在头上、贴近心脏的图案中的诗歌结合在一起的。Rumipoem 的片段呼应了著名的伊本·阿拉比 (Ibn ʿArabi) 诗句:“我信奉爱的宗教。. . . 这就是信念,我坚守的信念。” 这些话对我们这个时代是如此密切,这个时代充满了恐惧和仇恨,而错误信息、误解和令人心碎的缺乏真相却让这个时代保持活力。这个人物拿着字母 h _ aʾ 代表 h _ ubb(爱)靠近她(他的?)心脏,让我们想起诗人和恋人的精神:宗教就是爱和爱的宗教。正如鲁米和伊本 ʿArabi 所指出的,它既是基督徒,又是犹太人,又是穆斯林,也是异教徒的戒律(“爱你的邻居......没有比这更大的诫命”)。