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De-imperializing Gender
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies ( IF 0.815 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1215/15525864-7273720
Kimberly Wedeven Segall

abstract:In Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits Laila Lalami writes about a clandestine crossing from Morocco to Spain. Within this story she reveals the effects of this crossing on the changing religious beliefs of her two central female characters. While a probing critique notes how she tends to an analysis of the agency of these immigrants, there is little reference by Lalami to their religious identifiers. This is not an omission but a literary strategy suggesting that religious liaisons form venues of challenge and agency in Islamist revivals. Since faith practices are viewed differently by the women, and by the characters that surround them, these gaps illuminate the contradictions between how women view themselves and how others perceive them. Given how stereotypes of religion have emerged out of a history of colonization, these women's personal journeys reject structures of entrapment and reductionism, resisting essentialist representations of women and Islam in unexpected ways.



摘要:在希望和其他危险的追求中,莱拉·拉拉米 (Laila Lalami) 写了从摩洛哥到西班牙的秘密过境。在这个故事中,她揭示了这次穿越对她的两个主要女性角色不断变化的宗教信仰的影响。虽然探究性批评指出她如何倾向于分析这些移民的机构,但拉拉米几乎没有提到他们的宗教标识符。这不是遗漏,而是一种文学策略,表明宗教联络人在伊斯兰主义复兴中形成了挑战和代理的场所。由于女性以及她们周围的人物对信仰实践的看法不同,这些差距阐明了女性如何看待自己与他人如何看待她们之间的矛盾。考虑到宗教的刻板印象是如何从殖民历史中出现的,这些女性的